Friday, February 11, 2011

STS 95 - Space Shuttle Discovery

The primary objectives include conducting a variety of science experiments in the pressurized SPACEHAB module, the deployment and retrieval of the Spartan free-flyer payload, and operations with the HST Orbiting Systems Test (HOST) and the International Extreme Ultraviolet Hitchhiker (IEH) payloads being carried in the payload bay. STS-95 (92) Discovery (25) Pad 39-B (42) 92nd Shuttle Mission 25th Flight OV-103 45th KSC Landing 1st Flight SSME-BlockII Launch October 29, 1998 2:20:19 pm EST Landing November 7, 1998 KSC, 12:04pm EST. Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) Runway 33.

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