Wednesday, February 9, 2011

STS-126 Endeavour Delivers a Station "Makeover" Resume Mission (Nov 2008)

Space shuttle Endeavour lifted off on its STS-126 mission at 7:55 pm Eastern time November 14, 2008, rising into the night sky above NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Launch Commentator Candrea Thomas: Booster ignition and liftoff of space shuttle Endeavour, preparing our home in space for a larger, international family. The astronauts on board embarked on a 16-day mission to provide an "extreme home makeover" to the International Space Station, with improvements inside and out to support a six-person resident crew beginning next year. Commanded by Chris Ferguson, the flight crew included Pilot Eric Boe and Mission Specialists Steve Bowen, Shane Kimbrough, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper and Don Pettit. Mission Specialist Sandra Magnus replaced outgoing station flight engineer Greg Chamitoff, who lived aboard the outpost since June as part of the STS-124 mission. Endeavour caught up with the station on flight day three, completing a slow backflip below the orbiting laboratory to allow an up-close look at the shuttle's protective skin. The two vehicles linked up minutes later as the pair flew 212 miles above northern India, near the China border. Endeavour carried the Leonardo reusable cargo carrier, packed with about 14500 pounds of new station hardware, including additional sleeping compartments, exercise equipment, a second toilet, kitchen equipment and a water recycling system. The recycling system's Urine Processor Assembly, which will convert wastewater to clean ...

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