Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Launch Replays STS-132 Atlantis 1080P (PART 1 of 2)

Camera Site 2 TV-7A, OTV Camera 70, OTV Camera 71, Patrick DOAMS TV-13 and Press site camera TV-50 - Atlantis reaches for the stars for the last time as seen from many camera angles in 1080P HD! STS-132 is officially under way as the shuttle and its all-veteran crew of astronauts rise up and away from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida following an on-time launch at 2:20 pm EDT. In approximately two minutes, Atlantis' twin white solid rocket boosters will burn out and separate, eventually falling back to the Atlantic Ocean. The shuttle's trio of main engines will propel the vehicle on the rest of its eight-and-a-half-minute climb to orbit, assisted by the two orbital maneuvering system engines. Launch: 2:20 pm EDT - May 14, 2010 Orbiter: Atlantis Mission Number: STS-132 (132nd space shuttle flight) Launch Window: 10 minutes Launch Pad: 39A Mission Duration: 12 days Landing Site: KSC Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles Primary Payload: 34th station flight (ULF4), Integrated Cargo Carrier (ICC), Mini Research Module (MRM1) ( Yan and Justin )


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