Sunday, February 20, 2011

Space & Aviation -100 Years of Exploration, Purdue Universit

Purdue University is a leading pioneer in the amazing promise of space exploration. It has produced so many astronauts that it is called the Home of the astronauts. It has produced 22 graduates selected as NASA astronauts. Neil Armstrong was the world's first to set foot on the mood and and Eugene Cernan was the last. Purdue alumni have flown on more than one-third of all manned US flights. Gus Grissom flew in Project Mercury in 1961; Neil Armstrong, Eugene Cernan, and Grissom in the Gemini program in 1965 and 1966; and Armstrong and Cernan in the Apollo program from 1969 to 1972. One of the original seven NASA astronauts, Virgil Gus Grissom made a 15-minute suborbital flight aboard the Mercury 4 capsule on July 21, 1961, which made him the second American in space. Grissom, fellow Purdue alumnus Roger Chaffee, and Ed White made the ultimate sacrifice when a flash fire consumed their Apollo 1 capsule during a simulated launch at Cape Kennedy, Florida on January 27, 1967. When the space shuttle came into use, Charles Walker, in 1984, served as payload specialist on Discovery. John Blaha, in 1996, and David Wolf, in 1997, were two of the seven Americans who flew on the Russian space station Mir. One of the two female Purdue astronauts, Janice Voss served on STS-99, Endeavour, in February 2000 on the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, which was done to mapp more than 47 million miles of the Earth's land surface. Mary Ellen Weber was both a medical officer and a primary ...

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