Monday, February 28, 2011

Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-130 Landing

This landing ends a almost 14-day mission to the International Space Station. Space Shuttle Endeavour and its crew installed a new module, called Tranquility, and a cupola on the orbital outpost. Landing took place at Feb. 21 at 22:20ET. The Shuttle touched down on runway 15 of the Shuttle Landing Facility at Kennedy Space Center. Endeavour stayed docked with the ISS for 9 days, giving the Station a room with a view. This mission featured 3 spacewalks and was the first one of the year. It marks the 130th Shuttle mission and the 32nd to the ISS. It was Endeavours 24th mission.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Space Shuttle Atlantis STS 101 Landing

"""QUESTION""" DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THERE ARE WHEELBRAKES ON THIS SIM, AND IF SO, HOW DO YOU USE THEM? IF YOU KNOW PUT A COMMENT BELOW. THANKS. Me landing the Atlantis Orbiter on Orbiter Space Flight Simulator (free). I now know that when using FRAPS it records all audio played during recording, which happened to be the first STS 125 spacewalk I was listening to in my browser. So that is what you can hear as background radio chatter. Whoops. And don't tell me, I know the flying isn't the best, but I thought it was a good landing. Guided in using the Saitek X45 flightstick/throttle combo. Free game download here:

Friday, February 25, 2011

Highlights final nightlaunch Spaceshuttle Endeavour sts-130

February 8th 2010 ©Song Ernesto vs Bastian - Stop 9.5© token from NASAtv at internet live with my handycam. The Final nightlaunch ever of the Spaceshuttle, for almost 20 years it was very common that the spaceshuttles were launched and now it's the End of it. The STS - 130 Crew had the honor to be part of History. Crew Position : Astronaut Commander George D. Zamka Second spaceflight Pilot Terry Virts First spaceflight Mission Specialist 1 Kathryn P. Hire Second spaceflight Lead robotics/Loadmaster Mission Specialist 2 Stephen Robinson Fourth spaceflight Flight Engineer/Intravehicular officer Mission Specialist 3 Nicholas Patrick Second spaceflight EV2(EVA 1,2)/EV1 (EVA3) Mission Specialist 4 Robert L. Behnken Second spaceflight Lead spacewalker/EV1 (EVA 1,2)/EV2 (EVA 3) Mission statistics Mission name STS-130 Space shuttle Endeavour Launch pad 39A Launch date 8 February 2010, 04:14 EST (09:14 UTC) Landing NET 21 February 2010, 22:16 EST Mission duration 14 day's Number of orbits TBD Orbital altitude Insertion: 122 nautical miles (226 km), Docking: 220 nautical miles (410 km) Orbital inclination 51.6 degrees Distance traveled TBD

Thursday, February 24, 2011

ABC News Coverage of STS-9 Part 3 (The Landing)

From December 8th 1983 ABC News Coverage of the 9th Space Shuttle Landing. Commander :John W. Young Pilot: Brewster H. Shaw Mission Specialist 1: Owen K. Garriott Mission Specialist 2 :Robert A. Parker Payload Specialist 1 :Ulf Merbold, ESA Payload Specialist 2 :Byron K. Lichtenberg

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Discovery Launch STS-124

Launch: May 31, 2008 5:02 pm EDT Orbiter: Discovery Mission Number: STS-124 (123rd space shuttle flight) Launch Window: 10 minutes Launch Pad: 39A Mission Duration: 14 days Landing Site: KSC Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles Primary Payload: 26th station flight (1J), Kibo Pressurized Module, Japanese Remote Manipulator System

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spaceplane X-37B Landing in California

Courtesy: United States Air Force, 30th Space Wing Public Affairs 12/3/2010 - The X-37B sits on the Vandenberg Air Force base runway during post-landing operations Dec. 3. Personnel in SCAPE (Self-contained atmospheric protective ensemble) suits conduct initial checks on the vehicle and ensuring the area is safe The X-37B Spaceplane will be the next generation of Space Shuttle.

Monday, February 21, 2011

STS-41D Launch

The maiden voyage of the Space Shuttle Discovery began with its launch on 8-30-1984 with the SBS-D, Telstar 3-C and SYNCOM IV-2 and the OSAT solar array experiment. NASA's Mark Hess and Steve Nesbitt commentating. Source NASA.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Space & Aviation -100 Years of Exploration, Purdue Universit

Purdue University is a leading pioneer in the amazing promise of space exploration. It has produced so many astronauts that it is called the Home of the astronauts. It has produced 22 graduates selected as NASA astronauts. Neil Armstrong was the world's first to set foot on the mood and and Eugene Cernan was the last. Purdue alumni have flown on more than one-third of all manned US flights. Gus Grissom flew in Project Mercury in 1961; Neil Armstrong, Eugene Cernan, and Grissom in the Gemini program in 1965 and 1966; and Armstrong and Cernan in the Apollo program from 1969 to 1972. One of the original seven NASA astronauts, Virgil Gus Grissom made a 15-minute suborbital flight aboard the Mercury 4 capsule on July 21, 1961, which made him the second American in space. Grissom, fellow Purdue alumnus Roger Chaffee, and Ed White made the ultimate sacrifice when a flash fire consumed their Apollo 1 capsule during a simulated launch at Cape Kennedy, Florida on January 27, 1967. When the space shuttle came into use, Charles Walker, in 1984, served as payload specialist on Discovery. John Blaha, in 1996, and David Wolf, in 1997, were two of the seven Americans who flew on the Russian space station Mir. One of the two female Purdue astronauts, Janice Voss served on STS-99, Endeavour, in February 2000 on the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, which was done to mapp more than 47 million miles of the Earth's land surface. Mary Ellen Weber was both a medical officer and a primary ...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

CNN Coverage of STS-95 (The Retrun of John Glenn to Space) Part 37

From November 7, 1998 CNN Covers The Landing of STS-95 With John Glenn onboard. Reporting: Miles O'Brian & Walter Cronkite The STS-95 Crew: Commander :Curtis L. Brown Pilot :Steven W. Lindsey Mission Specialist 1 :Pedro Duque, ESA Mission Specialist 2 :Scott E. Parazynski Payload Commander :Stephen K. Robinson Payload Specialist 1 :Chiaki Mukai, NASDA Payload Specialist 2 :John H. Glenn

Friday, February 18, 2011

Launch Ariane 5 Rocket HISPASAT 1E & KOREASAT 6 - 29/12/2010

Arianespace completed another busy year of launch operations with today's Ariane 5 mission that orbited the HISPASAT 1E and KOREASAT 6 telecommunications spacecraft -- marking the sixth flight of this heavy-lift workhorse in 2010.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

STS 116 Space Shuttle night Launch from KSC

Space Shuttle Night Launch (STS 116) from KSC in Cape Caneveral, dic 9th 2006. Video with photocamera by a journalist from Swiss radio invited by ESA

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Space Shuttle (1994)- Part 5/10

"Soar into space with those who stay behind." Written and directed by Scott Hicks, this 1994 Discovery Channel documentary centers on the preparations and launch of STS-59 (Endeavour) by focusing on the engineers, technicians, and directors who make spaceflight possible. Candid and emotional interviews show the history of NASA and the American Space Program in an unusually human light, describing what it really takes to launch a Shuttle. Part 5 contains: Thermal Protection (00:00-02:32) Vehicle Assembly Building (02:32-05:45) Apollo (05:45-9:53, continued in Part 6) Links: Part 1: - Introductory Credits, Landing of STS-62, Kennedy Space Center, Johnson Space Center I Part 2: - Johnson Space Center II, Orbiter Processing Facility I Part 3: - Orbiter Processing Facility II, Zero G., Suit Techs, Space Exploration I Part 4: - Space Exploration II, Engines and Aft, Shuttle Training Aircraft Part 6: - Apollo II, Roll Out to the Pad, Ice Team, The Launch Experience I Part 7: - The Launch Experience II, Challenger I Part 8: - Challenger II, Countdown to STS-59 I Part 9: - Countdown to STS-59 II Part 10: - Ending Credits

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

NASA Space Shuttle Endeavor Landing 7/31/09

Endeavor coming in for landing on July 31, 2009. Landing at Cape Canaveral, FL

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Buran OMS Engine & Thruster Testing

The Buran spacecraft was the only fully completed and operational space shuttle vehicle from the Soviet Buran program. With a design that borrowed heavily from the NASA Space Shuttle, the Buran completed one unmanned spaceflight in 1988 before cancellation of the Soviet shuttle program in 1993. The Buran was subsequently destroyed by a hangar collapse in 2002. Like its NASA counterpart, the Buran, when in transit from its landing sites back to the launch complex, was transported on the back of a large jet aeroplane. It was piggy-backed on the Antonov An-225 Mriya aircraft, which was designed for this task and remains the largest aircraft in the world. Several shuttles were produced. One of those, the OK-GLI, was modified to fly with jet engines for aerodynamic testing. One painted mock shuttle (the former static test-article OK-TVA) is now a ride simulating space flight in Gorky Park, Moscow. The OK-GLI was sold by its owner NPO Energia, shipped to Sydney in Australia and subsequently displayed at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Shortly after, the new owner went bankrupt and the OK-GLI shuttle then went to Bahrain for a number of years while legal ownership status was in dispute. The Sydney/Bahrain (OK-GLI) shuttle was acquired by the German Technikmuseum Speyer in 2004,[2] and has been transported to the museum, where it is exhibited to the general public.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

News Coverage of The STS-51-C Launch

From January 24th 1985 News Reports on the 15th Space Shuttle Launch. Launch @ 2:40 PM EDT. Commander: T. Kenneth Mattingly, II Pilot: Loren Shriver Mission Specialist 1 :Ellison S. Onizuka Mission Specialist 2: James Buchli Payload Specialist 1: Gary Payton

Friday, February 11, 2011

STS 95 - Space Shuttle Discovery

The primary objectives include conducting a variety of science experiments in the pressurized SPACEHAB module, the deployment and retrieval of the Spartan free-flyer payload, and operations with the HST Orbiting Systems Test (HOST) and the International Extreme Ultraviolet Hitchhiker (IEH) payloads being carried in the payload bay. STS-95 (92) Discovery (25) Pad 39-B (42) 92nd Shuttle Mission 25th Flight OV-103 45th KSC Landing 1st Flight SSME-BlockII Launch October 29, 1998 2:20:19 pm EST Landing November 7, 1998 KSC, 12:04pm EST. Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) Runway 33.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

STS - 1 Re-entry & Landing

Re-entry & Landing of STS - 1 in Space Shuttle Mission 2007

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

STS-126 Endeavour Delivers a Station "Makeover" Resume Mission (Nov 2008)

Space shuttle Endeavour lifted off on its STS-126 mission at 7:55 pm Eastern time November 14, 2008, rising into the night sky above NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Launch Commentator Candrea Thomas: Booster ignition and liftoff of space shuttle Endeavour, preparing our home in space for a larger, international family. The astronauts on board embarked on a 16-day mission to provide an "extreme home makeover" to the International Space Station, with improvements inside and out to support a six-person resident crew beginning next year. Commanded by Chris Ferguson, the flight crew included Pilot Eric Boe and Mission Specialists Steve Bowen, Shane Kimbrough, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper and Don Pettit. Mission Specialist Sandra Magnus replaced outgoing station flight engineer Greg Chamitoff, who lived aboard the outpost since June as part of the STS-124 mission. Endeavour caught up with the station on flight day three, completing a slow backflip below the orbiting laboratory to allow an up-close look at the shuttle's protective skin. The two vehicles linked up minutes later as the pair flew 212 miles above northern India, near the China border. Endeavour carried the Leonardo reusable cargo carrier, packed with about 14500 pounds of new station hardware, including additional sleeping compartments, exercise equipment, a second toilet, kitchen equipment and a water recycling system. The recycling system's Urine Processor Assembly, which will convert wastewater to clean ...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Launch Replays STS-132 Atlantis 1080P (PART 1 of 2)

Camera Site 2 TV-7A, OTV Camera 70, OTV Camera 71, Patrick DOAMS TV-13 and Press site camera TV-50 - Atlantis reaches for the stars for the last time as seen from many camera angles in 1080P HD! STS-132 is officially under way as the shuttle and its all-veteran crew of astronauts rise up and away from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida following an on-time launch at 2:20 pm EDT. In approximately two minutes, Atlantis' twin white solid rocket boosters will burn out and separate, eventually falling back to the Atlantic Ocean. The shuttle's trio of main engines will propel the vehicle on the rest of its eight-and-a-half-minute climb to orbit, assisted by the two orbital maneuvering system engines. Launch: 2:20 pm EDT - May 14, 2010 Orbiter: Atlantis Mission Number: STS-132 (132nd space shuttle flight) Launch Window: 10 minutes Launch Pad: 39A Mission Duration: 12 days Landing Site: KSC Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles Primary Payload: 34th station flight (ULF4), Integrated Cargo Carrier (ICC), Mini Research Module (MRM1) ( Yan and Justin )

Monday, February 7, 2011

Spaceflight Tech Fair 2008-2009

Tech Fair 08/09 project in the GA State Tech Fair My Twitter:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

STS-117 Space Shuttle Atlantis Flies On The Back Of A 747

Mounted on the back of NASA's 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, the space shuttle Atlantis begins the ferry flight to return the orbiter to Kennedy Space Center following its landing at Edwards AFB in California at the end of shuttle mission STS-117. See all the videos on the spacearium YouTube channel. Thanks to

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Endeavour STS-67 Launch.wmv

I shot this launch from the Kennedy Space Center Press Site off to the left behind some palm trees. The space shuttle Endeavour was launched on March 2nd, 1995 on mission STS-67.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


STS-128. Who said we weren't going to have anymore NIGHT LAUNCHES!! VOIAAAALLLAAAA!!! AUGUST 27th, 2009 @ 1159pm! Loudest i've heard in a long time, plus it seemed like it went up faster because of the payload being half empty (30000 to 40000 lighter) Here I am again inside KSC by the VAB parking lot just enjoying human greatest engineering wonder of the world. Enjoy the new video. Louder than my other ones and faster.... the PAYLOAD was half emtpy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

STS-125 Space Shuttle Landing

Atlantis and the crew of the STS-125 mission landed safely in California at Edwards Air Force Base after completing the Hubble Servicing Mission on Sunday, May 24, 2009. The almost 5.3-million-mile mission included five spacewalks to repair and upgrade the world-famous observatory. If arecognizable person appears in this video, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this video is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.