Friday, July 23, 2010

sts 40 Launch, Columbia (June 5, 1991)

STS 40 Mission: Spacelab Life Sciences-1 Space Shuttle: Columbia Launch Pad: 39B Launch Weight: 251970 pounds Launched: June 5, 1991, 9:24:51 am EDT Landing Site: Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. Landing: June 14, 1991, 8:39:11 am PDT Landing Weight: 226535 pounds Runway: 22 Rollout Distance: 9403 feet Rollout Time: 55 seconds Revolution: 146 Mission Duration: 9 days, 2 hours, 14 minutes, 20 seconds Returned to KSC: June 21, 1991 Orbit Altitude: 157 nautical miles Orbit Inclination: 39 degrees Miles Traveled: 3.8 million The launch was originally set for May 22, 1991. The mission was postponed less than 48 hours before launch when it became known that a leaking liquid hydrogen transducer in the orbiter main propulsion system, which was removed and replaced during leak testing in 1990, had failed an analysis by the vendor. Engineers feared that one or more of the nine liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen transducers protruding into fuel and oxidizer lines could break off and be ingested by the engine turbopumps, causing engine failure. In addition, one of the orbiter five general purpose computers failed completely, along with one of the multiplexer demultiplexers that control orbiter hydraulics ordinance and orbiter maneuvering system/reaction control system functions in the aft compartment. A new general purpose computer and multiplexer demultiplexer were installed and tested. One liquid hydrogen and two liquid oxygen transducers were replaced upstream in the propellant flow ...

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