Saturday, July 24, 2010

discovery of the hate to thediscovery...

records of 4-5 pm moscow time,20th.,april- iran fights for documentary rape threatener steals not to send- block access- nn-547-546 usually using durign strong quake s-see against me to shut up-like l/aquilla-= With a smooth touchdown and a safe parachute deployment, Discovery and its seven astronauts landed at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 9:08 am, where clear skies rather than ground fog greeted the astronaut crew. The shuttle flew 6232235 miles in 238 orbits around the Earth before landing safely in Florida. It was the 129th safe landing for the craft. Discovery took take a more westerly approach in its descent, bringing the shuttle over Vancouver, British Columbia, and down over Helena, Mont., Wyoming, southwestern Nebraska, northeastern Colorado, southwestern Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida just east of Gainesville. It was the first time since 2007 that a space shuttle has descended over so much of the United States. The ship's descent was 20 times steeper than that of a commercial plane landing. "Sounds like a great ground track," Discovery's commander, Alan Poindexter, had radioed back to ground control. NASA typically prefers bringing a shuttle home from the southwest. That way, there's minimal flying over heavily populated areas. In 2003, space shuttle Columbia shattered over Texas during re-entry, but no one on the ground was injured by the falling wreckage. NASA also prefers to end a shuttle flight at its home base ...

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