Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cool Space Stuff: Delivering Destiny - K4021DVD The Latest Greatest Space Adventures! Thousands of scientists, engineers and adventurers around the world are working together to take us further into outer space, and now you can see what they're dreaming about and planning for. Cool Space Stuff is an international Space Station and Space Shuttle documentary, which looks at building and maintaining human life in space through ongoing space science exploration projects. Using animation and live action footage, all set to an original atmospheric soundtrack, Cool Space Stuff takes you on the ultimate exploration of the fascinating worlds revolving around us. There are many other worlds out there, and it won't be long until we are able to visit them all. It's an exciting trip just finding out how we might get there and you're invited to come along. You'll See: Future missions to Mars. Stardust Mission February, 1999. Earth Flyby January 15, 2001. Animated Solar Coronal Mass Ejection leading into a real life Aurora Borealis. Russian Proton rocket launch and Construction of the International Space Station. STS 98 Launch February 7, 2001; and Atlantis delivering the Destiny Lab to the International Space Station. EVAs (or space walks) with helmet cams. Shuttle undocking and fly-around of the ISS Atlantis Landing at Edwards AirForceBase. Satelitte Recoveries and Repairs, including the Hubble Space Telescope. Memories of MIR (the former Russian space station). Future and current space telescope missions.

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