Sunday, August 8, 2010

STS-1 25th Anniversary

This is one of those projects that broadcast designers dream of... big.... important.... and a long deadline. On April 12, 2006 NASA celebrated the 25th Anniversary of STS-1, the first space shuttle flight. In January 2006 I was given the task of creating a dramatic piece that would highlight aspects of the space shuttle program.... Design, Training, John Young (commander), Bob Crippen (pilot)), The Flight, and Legacy. In addition to being shown on NASA Television on April 12th, to commemorate the shuttle's anniversary, it was later to be shown on the IMAX screen at the National Air and Space Museum. So from the get go I had to create something dramatic, and incorporate a "wow" factor into my design. The piece was to be called STS-1 The Boldest Test Flight in History. Given that this was the first space shuttle ever designed, I took the "design" aspect and created a blue print pattern for the background. I also wanted to create a world in which the viewer moves from subject to subject. Since the work would eventually be viewed on a screen 5 stories high... I wanted a real sense of movement in the animation... part animation... part thrill ride. The camera follows a line from the main title and moves to a subject title.... and then once a video on that subject is seen, moves on to the next. I have always loved Adobe After Effects, and wanted to use its 3D camera... this project was the perfect vehicle for that. The piece opens with the shuttle on the pad and go through a ...

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