Sunday, August 22, 2010

STAND UP (COMEDY) SKYDIVING- Episode 2: into the clouds

Pittsburgh Comedian, Brad Ryan skydives from 10500 feet into clouds and attempts to do some of his comedy material on the canopy ride down. This episode not as successful as the first. BUT THE CLOUDS WERE AWESOME. My 'comedy performance' was lacking and sketchy; but i was too keyed up and adrenalized after the freefall. This episode didn't turn out to well other than the jump footage. I wasnt pleased with the flow of the jokes. This ventue is much more difficult and challenging than I wouldve imagined. It is quite a task to try and present material and make it flow smoothly and fluently while flying and landing a parachute. No audience also complicates the delivering of material. The constant need to be aware of the area and steering and navigating my way to a good landing at the jump zone really is harder than I'dve thought. Conditions that day complicated things by necessitating more focus on the landing and the "COMEDY" part of the video was ended prematurely and just quite didn't work like the shoot of the first episode. Better set next time.

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