Saturday, June 19, 2010

STS-127 Endeavour Landing at KSC 07/31/09-31 July2009

Space shuttle Endeavour landed at Florida's Kennedy Space Center today with a touchdown at 10:48 am EDT, capping the 16-day STS-127 mission to the International Space Station. The shuttle began its descent from orbit with a deorbit engine firing at 9:41 am, followed by a smooth re-entry that brought the winged spacecraft across Central America, Cuba and the state of Florida on its way to the spaceport. Endeavour launched July 15 at 6:03 pm EDT from Kennedy's Launch Pad 39A. Highlighted by five spacewalks and intricate robotics work, the mission completed construction of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kibo laboratory. Astronauts attached a platform to the outside of the Japanese module that will allow experiments to be exposed to space.

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