Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Behind the Scenes of Space Shuttle Endeavour Crew (STS-130) Walk Out

Commander George Zamka will lead the STS-130 mission to the International Space Station aboard space shuttle Endeavour. Terry Virts will serve as the pilot. Mission Specialists are Nicholas Patrick, Robert Behnken, Stephen Robinson and Kathryn Hire. Virts will be making his first trip to space. Shuttle Endeavour and its crew will deliver to the space station a third connecting module, the Italian-built Tranquility node and the seven-windowed cupola, which will be used as a control room for robotics. The mission will feature three spacewalks. The first launch attempt on February 7, 2010 was scrubbed due to high clouds that would obscure viability for ground cameras and the shuttle crew in the event they had to make an emergency landing at the Kennedy Space Center after liftoff or Return to Landing Site (RTLS).


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