Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Falling Debris during Space Shuttle Endeavour Launch - July 15, 2009

Several pieces of debris fall off the external fuel tank as the Space Shuttle Endeavour lifts off into orbit. Wednesday, July 15, 2009.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Space shuttle piggyback

the space shuttle being piggybacked on a modified boeing 747


Friday, June 25, 2010

Endeavour landing 7/31/09

Space shuttle Endeavour touched down at 10:48: am EDT. at NASAs Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Commander Mark Polansky is expected to make a brief statement on the runway after the post-landing walk-around of the shuttle. The post-landing news conference is set for approximately 1 pm and will air live on NASA Television. The crews news conference is set to begin at about 3:15 pm The astronauts return to Houston's Ellington Field is tentatively set for about 5 pm Saturday. STS-127 was the 127th space shuttle mission, the 23rd flight for Endeavour and the 29th shuttle visit to the station


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Turning America's Back to the Moon (2/2/2010)

February 2, 2010 Astronaut Gene Cernan weighs in on Obama eliminating funds for manned lunar missions. Follow UFO Report on Twitter @ twitter.com Barack Obama to drop Nasa moon mission in budget cutbacks Reports say planned human flights to the moon and Mars likely to be ditched in effort to rein in US deficit Sam Jones and agencies guardian.co.uk, Monday 1 February 2010 - www.guardian.co.uk Nasa's plans to send a manned mission to the moon and launch the US into a bold new era of space exploration are likely to remain on the ground today when Barack Obama unveils his budget. The president wants to cut back or abandon 120 government programmes to help rein in the US deficit among them the funding of the US space administration as part of the $3.8tn (£2.4tn) budget. According to the Washington Post, Obama will seek to shelve the $81bn Constellation programme, which called for a return to the moon by 2020 and human landings on Mars by the middle of the century. The plans were laid out by his predecessor, George Bush, in 2004. The budget could also spell the end for Nasa's successor to the space shuttle, the Ares 1 rocket, which has already cost billions of dollars to develop. The government will instead call for $6bn to be spent over five years to develop a commercial craft to transport astronauts into orbit. Such a move would mark a sea change in how Nasa works, forcing it to rely on a private company to design and manufacture a spacecraft. Michael Griffin, a former Nasa ...


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Space Flight - Astronomy - NASA Returns to The Moon - Altair Lunar Lander - Orion

Comments are moderated! For more please visit www.AeroSpaceNews.com Beautiful animation of the new space craft of the NASA Constellation program arriving at the moon, landing, driving the lunar rover, astronauts and departing the moon back toward earth. You will see the new Orion crew module and Altair lunar lander.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Apollo 40 Anniversary Celebration with Buzz Aldrin at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

40 years to the day since Apollo 11 lifted off from Kennedy Space Center on its way to the moon, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin and seven other Apollo astronaut heroes returned to Kennedy Space Center to mark the historic feat and to open the Apollo Treasures Gallery at the Apollo/Saturn V Center at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

STS-127 Endeavour Landing at KSC 07/31/09-31 July2009

Space shuttle Endeavour landed at Florida's Kennedy Space Center today with a touchdown at 10:48 am EDT, capping the 16-day STS-127 mission to the International Space Station. The shuttle began its descent from orbit with a deorbit engine firing at 9:41 am, followed by a smooth re-entry that brought the winged spacecraft across Central America, Cuba and the state of Florida on its way to the spaceport. Endeavour launched July 15 at 6:03 pm EDT from Kennedy's Launch Pad 39A. Highlighted by five spacewalks and intricate robotics work, the mission completed construction of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kibo laboratory. Astronauts attached a platform to the outside of the Japanese module that will allow experiments to be exposed to space.


Friday, June 18, 2010




Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Nightime Launch of NASA's Shuttle Endeavour Feb. 8, 2010

www.FunToWatch.TV CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- Due to White House budget cuts this will be the last nighttime shuttle launch.Space shuttle Endeavour lit up the predawn sky above Florida's Space Coast on Monday with a 4 am EST launch from NASA's Kennedy Space Center. The shuttle's last scheduled night launch began a 13-day flight to the International Space Station and the final year of shuttle operations. Endeavour's STS-130 mission will include three spacewalks and the delivery of the Tranquility node, the final major US portion of the station. Tranquility will provide additional room for crew members and many of the space station's life support and environmental control systems. Attached to Tranquility is a cupola with seven windows, which houses a robotic control station. The windows will provide a panoramic view of Earth, celestial objects and visiting spacecraft. After the node and cupola are added, the orbiting laboratory will be approximately 90 percent complete. Shortly before liftoff, Commander George Zamka said, "Thanks to the great team that got Tranquility, cupola and Endeavour to this point. And thanks also to the team that got us ready to bring Node 3 and cupola to life. We'll see you in a couple of weeks. It's time to go fly." Zamka is joined on the flight by Pilot Terry Virts and Mission Specialists Kathryn Hire, Stephen Robinson, Nicholas Patrick and Robert Behnken. Virts is making his first trip to space. Endeavour's first landing opportunity at Kennedy is ...


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CNN Coverage of STS-7 Part 6

From June 18th 1983 CNN Coverage the 7th Space Shuttle Launch. The STS-7 Crew: Commander: Robert L. Crippen Pilot: Frederick H. Hauck Mission Specialist 1: John M. Fabian Mission Specialist 2 :Sally K. Ride Mission Specialist 3: Norman E. Thagard


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

BURAN Space Shuttle

the first spacecraft to successfully undertake a completely automated launch, orbital maneuver, de-orbit, and precision landing back to earth


Monday, June 14, 2010

Shuttle Endeavour Launches

July 25th, 2009: After a month of failed attempts due to inclement weather, the NASA space shuttle Endeavour finally launched into space, carrying 7 astronauts onboard.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Atlantis Returns to Kennedy Space Center One Final Time

Atlantis returned home from her final scheduled mission, STS-132, on May 26, 2010. In this video the orbiter is being moved from the Shuttle Landing Facility to it processing hangar, the Orbiter Processing Facility


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Buran's landing at Baikonur

Video of the unmanned landing of the Buran space shuttle, in automatic mode, at the Ybileiniy airport, in Baikonur cosmodrome. 15 November 1988. From: www.buran-energia.com


Friday, June 11, 2010

CNN Coverage of The Landing of STS-61-C

From January 18th 1986 CNN Coverage of the 24th Space Shuttle Misssion, Last Pre Challenger Disaster Mission. The STS-61-C Crew: Commander :Robert L. Gibson Pilot :Charles F. Bolden Mission Specialist 1: Franklin Chang-Diaz Mission Specialist 2: Steven A. Hawley Mission Specialist 3: George D. Nelson Payload Specialist 1 :Robert Cenker Payload Specialist 2 Bill Nelson


Thursday, June 10, 2010

STS-120 Landing

Space shuttle Discovery descended to a smooth landing at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, concluding a successful assembly mission to the International Space Station. With Commander Pam Melroy and Pilot George Zamka at the controls, Discovery landed at 1:01:17 pm EST on 7th November 2007. The mission lasted 15 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes and 2 seconds. During its stay at the station, which began on 25th October, the STS-120 crew continued the on-orbit construction of the station with the installation of the Harmony Node 2 module and the relocation of the P6 truss. The crew installed Harmony on 26th October and did four spacewalks at the station. During the third spacewalk, the crew installed the P6 truss and solar array pair in its permanent location outboard of the port truss. The fourth spacewalk was changed during the mission so that the crew could repair a torn solar array on the P6 truss. Following the successful repair work, the crew was able to fully deploy the solar array. Discovery also delivered a new station crew member, Flight Engineer Daniel Tani. STS-120 is the 120th shuttle mission and 23rd mission to visit the space station. The next mission, STS-122, is slated to launch in December.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Epic Fail during shuttle launch

This guy is filming a space shuttle launch, but he's filming the wrong launchpad... FAIL! :D


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Behind the Scenes of Space Shuttle Endeavour Crew (STS-130) Walk Out

Commander George Zamka will lead the STS-130 mission to the International Space Station aboard space shuttle Endeavour. Terry Virts will serve as the pilot. Mission Specialists are Nicholas Patrick, Robert Behnken, Stephen Robinson and Kathryn Hire. Virts will be making his first trip to space. Shuttle Endeavour and its crew will deliver to the space station a third connecting module, the Italian-built Tranquility node and the seven-windowed cupola, which will be used as a control room for robotics. The mission will feature three spacewalks. The first launch attempt on February 7, 2010 was scrubbed due to high clouds that would obscure viability for ground cameras and the shuttle crew in the event they had to make an emergency landing at the Kennedy Space Center after liftoff or Return to Landing Site (RTLS).


Monday, June 7, 2010

STS-132 Overview

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

STS-125 Atlantis Crew Returns to NASA's Johnson Space Center

The crew for space shuttle Atlantis STS-125 mission arrived at Ellington Field near NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, on May 26. Atlantis landed on May 24 at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The crew members are Commander Scott Altman, Pilot Gregory C. Johnson and Mission Specialists John Grunsfeld, Mike Massimino, Michael Good, Megan McArthur and Andrew Feustel. The crew conducted five spacewalks to complete the final shuttle mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope.


Friday, June 4, 2010

liftoff Ariane + Jules Verne ATV to ISS

Arianespace launches Jules Verne ATV to the International Space Station


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ares 1-X Fly around

A fly around the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

STS-125 - Entry Flight Control Team Landing Replay

STS-125 has landed, safely, at Edwards Air Force Base in California. This is the replay from the Entry Flight Control team in Mission Control Center Houston, a great insight into what the team has to do to land the great bird.
