Tuesday, April 13, 2010

STS-124 Landing

Discovery landed at KSC on time at 11:15 am EDT on 14th June 2008. Commander Mark Kelly, Pilot Ken Ham and Mission Specialists Karen Nyberg, Ron Garan, Mike Fossum and Japan's Akihiko Hoshide surveyed the heat shield on the belly of Discovery as ground crews serviced the spacecraft and NASA officials talked to them about the mission and landing. Space station resident Garrett Reisman also returned with Discovery after three months in orbit. "It was a really exciting mission and we're glad to be back here in Florida," Kelly said soon after Discovery landed. The congratulatory spirit was shared by NASA officials who hailed the flight. "I can't think of a mission really that's been better than this one," said Bill Gerstenmaier, nasa's associate administrator of Space Operations. "We're starting to break that tie to planet Earth and get out and do what exploration is".


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