Thursday, April 22, 2010


YESTERDAY, on September 25, 2008, the People's Republic of China launched Shenzhou 7, the second phase of Project 921. Shenzhou VII was China's third human spaceflight, and was China's first ever spacewalk. With the launch of the manned Shenzhou 7 mission, China became the third nation in the world to spacewalk. At 21:10 CST, September 25, three Chinese astronauts (taikonauts) inside the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft blasted off on its CZ-2F "Long March 2" rocket boosters. This will be China's first three-man mission. This mission will also be China's first launch of a mini-satellite, China's first water training pool, and China's first extraterrestial Communist Party branch. During the mission, the crew will also launch China's first data-relay satelllite, named "Tianlian 1". Two Yuanwang-class space tracking ships (5 and 5) will also be used to track the mission. China's space program is currently the world's third most advanced and largest space program. The Chinese space program is also the world's fastest-advancing and fastest-upgrading space program. Shenzhou 7 will include SIX of China's first ever accomplishments! China will launch a full-size space station in 2010, build a space shuttle, have a human landing on the moon by 2020, and a manned mission to Mars by 2040. So, to our Chinese fellows and friends from all around the world, WE CAN DO IT!

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