Friday, September 30, 2011

Space Shuttle Orbitor Discovery Tribute

To The Work Horse of the Fleet and The Crews Of; STS-41D, STS-51A, STS-51C, STS-51D, STS-51G, STS-51I,STS-26, STS-29, STS-33, STS-31, STS-41, STS-39, STS-48, STS-42, STS-53, STS-56, STS-51, STS-60, STS-64, STS-63, STS-70, STS-82, STS-85, STS-91, STS-95, STS-96, STS-103, STS-92, STS-102, STS-105, STS-114, STS-121, STS-116, STS-120, STS-124, STS-119, STS-128, STS-131, and STS-133 Thank You! Crews listed in order of missions flown.

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