Thursday, June 30, 2011


Houston, we have a problem. Is anyone else bored out of their mind? No one listens to these broadcasts... Gary, why are you yawning at me with your mouth full of food. No, this is not like Late Night Radio, if there is one homeless man out there waiting for an alien UFO lunch meal to arrive at his cardboard pad, I'm all for it. Mom, ya, I'm at work. Ya, I'm live. Where's Timmy, has he been eating his spinach? No, he's your responsiblity now. Yes, I know he's my son, but I'm going to Tahiti and I need to save the cash up. Hey, Ron, I want a non-hydrogenated shake made of TO-FU. Ya, get it now or you are fired. Ya, I don't care if you are my boss. Oh, YA? Fine, I don't want to work here anyway. Wait. Klingons, did you say the Klingons have arrived and are going to blow up earth? No, the BORG? Are they Swedish? What? Yes, I watch Star Trek. They named the first Space Shuttle what? I didn't know that. Many people work at jobs where they try to get to know the subject matter better, it doesn't mean they are the best suited for the job, look at our goverment. Oh, the Federal Reserve are aliens from another world? What? Is there anything else to watch? I've been here for ten years, I'm sick of watching the same room for... what? The space shuttle doesn't even go into outer space, it's just over in the skies. This is a waste of time and money. Where is my shake? mission control, parody, nasa, space shuttle, iss, international space station, houston, control room, funny, comedy ...

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