Thursday, June 30, 2011


Houston, we have a problem. Is anyone else bored out of their mind? No one listens to these broadcasts... Gary, why are you yawning at me with your mouth full of food. No, this is not like Late Night Radio, if there is one homeless man out there waiting for an alien UFO lunch meal to arrive at his cardboard pad, I'm all for it. Mom, ya, I'm at work. Ya, I'm live. Where's Timmy, has he been eating his spinach? No, he's your responsiblity now. Yes, I know he's my son, but I'm going to Tahiti and I need to save the cash up. Hey, Ron, I want a non-hydrogenated shake made of TO-FU. Ya, get it now or you are fired. Ya, I don't care if you are my boss. Oh, YA? Fine, I don't want to work here anyway. Wait. Klingons, did you say the Klingons have arrived and are going to blow up earth? No, the BORG? Are they Swedish? What? Yes, I watch Star Trek. They named the first Space Shuttle what? I didn't know that. Many people work at jobs where they try to get to know the subject matter better, it doesn't mean they are the best suited for the job, look at our goverment. Oh, the Federal Reserve are aliens from another world? What? Is there anything else to watch? I've been here for ten years, I'm sick of watching the same room for... what? The space shuttle doesn't even go into outer space, it's just over in the skies. This is a waste of time and money. Where is my shake? mission control, parody, nasa, space shuttle, iss, international space station, houston, control room, funny, comedy ...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

[STS-133] Landing Replays (p2)

Replays of the STS-133 Space Shuttle Discoverys final landing at Kennedy Space Center. Part One:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Discovery Shuttle Final Live Landing

Shuttle Discovery at its final landing on this 9th March 2011.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Man and Space: US Space Race Documentary - Part 2 (1961)

1961 Watch the full film: On April 20, 1961, about one week after Gagarin's flight, United States President John F. Kennedy sent a memo to Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, asking Johnson to look into the status of America's space program, and into programs that could offer NASA the opportunity to catch up. Johnson responded about one week later, concluding that the US needed to do much more to reach a position of leadership, and recommending that a manned moon landing was far enough in the future that it was likely the United States would achieve it first. On May 25, Kennedy announced his support for the Apollo program in an address to a special joint session of Congress: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth." He began forming a policy of justification for the Space Race as a vital national security front in the Cold War, which he expressed to the public in his famous September 12, 1962 speech at Rice Stadium where he stated: "The Mariner spacecraft now on its way to Venus is the most intricate instrument in the history of space science. The accuracy of that shot is comparable to firing a missile from Cape Canaveral and dropping it in this stadium between the 40-yard lines. ... For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for ...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Apollo Simulator Moon Landing, Launch and Docking Part 1

Undocking from the Command Module, Descending and landing on the Moon. Then I go for a walk, visit Surveyor 3 and fly back up and dock with the Command Module.

Friday, June 24, 2011

NBC & ABC News Coverage of STS-9 Part 1

From November 28th 1983 NBC & ABC News Coverage of the 9th Space Shuttle Launch. Commander :John W. Young Pilot: Brewster H. Shaw Mission Specialist 1: Owen K. Garriott Mission Specialist 2 :Robert A. Parker Payload Specialist 1 :Ulf Merbold, ESA Payload Specialist 2 :Byron K. Lichtenberg

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Part 2: STS-133 Discovery astronauts take part in countdown dress rehearsal

The six-member crew of the next space shuttle mission participated in a full launch dress rehearsal, known as the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test on Oct. 15 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The test provided an opportunity for the crew and ground teams to participate in various simulated countdown activities, including equipment familiarization, emergency training and a simulated launch countdown. Discovery is targeted to launch Nov. 1 on its final scheduled flight. During its 11-day mission, astronauts will deliver and install the Permanent Multipurpose Module, critical spare components for the station, and the Express Logistics Carrier 4, an external platform that holds large equipment. Discovery also will deliver Robonaut 2, or R2, to become a permanent resident of the station as the first human-like robot in space.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Shuttle Windshield - STS-2

Dick Truly talks about what he saw from the Pilot's window, and this video shows what they see. Source, NASA.

Monday, June 20, 2011

STS-118 landing

Space shuttle endeavour lands at ksc concluding mission sts-118.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

News Coverage of STS-1 The Frist Space Shuttle Mission Part 22

From April 14th 1981, Network News Covers the very frist Space Shuttle Landing. (Columbia) The STS-1 Crew: Commander: John W. Young Pilot : Robert Crippen

Friday, June 17, 2011

CNN Coverage of The STS-32 Launch

From January 9th 1990 CNN Covers the 33rd Space Shuttle Launch. Launch At 7:35 AM Commander :Daniel C. Brandenstein Pilot: James D. Wetherbee Mission Specialist 1: Bonnie J. Dunbar Mission Specialist 2: G. David Low Mission Specialist 3: Marsha S. Ivins

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Space Shuttle Mission (New Narration and Ending) http The Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) is the most exciting space shuttle simulator available today, designed to provide the experience and excitement of the NASA Space Shuttle missions in extreme detail. From launch to in-orbit missions and landing, every button, command, and action replicates the authentic experience of mission sequences in beautiful detail. Watch the Shuttle launch from the KSC VIP location or from the cockpit. Follow through the SRB and External Tank separation, Orbital Insertion and preparations for performing the mission. Operate switches, knobs and keyboards, control the RMS and enjoy the view of a fully equipped 3D Virtual Cockpit. Deploy, capture and service satellites including the Hubble, assemble, dock and supply the International Space Station, perform Extra Vehicular Activities (EVA) from first-person or third-person point of view - getting as close and personal as possible to the tasks that Space Shuttle Astronauts have been performing in Space. Stop for a moment and enjoy the breathtaking, high-resolution view of Earth from Space - complete with 3D clouds. Watch the re-entry plasma engulfing the Space Shuttle while it traverses through the upper layers of the Atmosphere and finally land the Shuttle at the Kennedy Space Center or Edwards AFB during day or night. Each mission can take several hours to complete but don't worry: the Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) has several difficulty modes which ...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

NASA Landing Coverage of STS-107 Part 6 ( The Columbia Disaster)

From The Morning of February 1st 2003 NASA TV Coverage of The STS-107 Landing, The Last Mission of The Space Columbia, This video begins about at 7:56 EST. James Hartsfield talks through the Landing Coverage The STS-107 Crew: Commander: Rick D. Husband Pilot: William C. McCool Mission Specialist 1: David M. Brown Mission Specialist 2 :Kalpana Chawla Payload Commander :Michael P. Anderson Mission Specialist 4: Laurel B. Clark Payload Specialist 1: Ilan Ramon

Saturday, June 11, 2011

STS-1 Lego Landing

Space Shuttle Lego Columbia is returning from its First Lego Mission. Space Shuttle Lego Columbia is A Remarkable Lego Flying Toy. Hail Columbia.!!!!! The Lego Dream Is Alive, again i'll tell you that.

Friday, June 10, 2011

STS-122 Space Shuttle Atlantis-Landing at KSC (Florida)

20.02.2008. Crew: * Stephen Frick(2)-Commander[8] * Alan G. Poindexter(1)-Pilot * Leland D. Melvin(1)-Mission Specialist 1 * Rex J. Walheim(2)-Mission Specialist 2 * Hans Schlegel(2)-Mission Specialist 3-ESA * Stanley G. Love(1)-Mission Specialist 4

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

STS-129 Atlantis Landing - View Through HUD

Landing of STS-129 Atlantis from a pilot's perspective seen through the HUD. Note the extended runway centerline shown on the HUD at 1 min 20 sec into the video. Also the very steep approach from a high altitude and the target aim point well short of the runway.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

STS-129 Shuttle Atlantis Launch [16x9 HQ]

The launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis, as seen from the press area during the NASA TweetUp event

Friday, June 3, 2011

Buran - Pre-flight processing, launch, landing, destruction

Video showing the pre-launch processing, vehicle roll-out, launch, escorted landing, and the destruction of the orbiter due to a hanger collapse.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

1/28/1986 The Challenger Launch: VAB Camera

From Tuesday January 28th 1986 The Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion from the view of The vehicle assembly building 3 miles away from The Launch pad. The Explosion took place 73 seconds into Challengers 10th flight at 11:39:13 AM EST

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

dav thane (Khoj 2009)

Space Shuttle Video Made by DAV Thane Team for Khoj 2009 (space shuttle project) Includes Launch , Landing , Aero Takeoff , Info Yash B