Sunday, May 15, 2011

SPACE SHUTTLE LAUNCH - STS 127 - JULY 15, 2009 @ 603PM

FOLKS... this was a loong one coming. We finally were able to get enough weather clearence to get ENDEAVOUR up in space. WOW... and it was worth the wait. THE SKY WAS JUST AMAZING! The wind was a big strong so the ROAR and THUMP in my heart didn't last very long but it was a great feeling! I was overwhelmed from the last 5 attempts that my gratification was more silent then my normal loud cheer. ENJOY the LAUNCH VIDEO. I DID. Remember i'm inside KSC, so its not a public viewing site. This straight angle view is about 3.1 miles away only. You will notice it was a more quiet launch scene and there was about 50 people around me just taking in the MOMENT. (listen for the camera clicks, they go nuts)

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