Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Space Shuttle Endeavour IV

El Transbordador Espacial Endeavour despegó con éxito desde la plataforma de lanzamiento 39A de Cabo Cañaveral, en Florida el miércoles 8 de Agosto a las 22:36 GMT. Se inicia así la Misión número 22 con destino a la Estación Espacial Internacional. El Endeavour y sus siete tripulantes llegarán a la ISS el viernes 10 de Agosto, donde permanecerán una semana trabajando para continuar con la construcción del complejo orbital. Space Shuttle Endeavour during liftoff. Photo credit: NASA 08.08.07 - 7:35 pm EDT NASA's Administrator and top launch managers celebrated the flawless liftoff of Space Shuttle Endeavour Wednesday evening as the fulfillment of a legacy. "A launch operation doesn't get any better than this, it can't," Administrator Mike Griffin said following the launch. + View Launch Video The flight placed seven astronauts, a space station segment and 5800 pounds of cargo and supplies into orbit and on the way to the International Space Station. The 11-day mission calls for attachment of the space station segment, transfer of the cargo and supplies and a test of a new power transfer system. If the system works, the mission would be extended to 14 days. Teacher-turned-astronaut Barbara Morgan will also conduct several educational programs during the flight. Space Shuttle Endeavour despegó Cabo Cañaveral during liftof

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