Friday, January 28, 2011

Endeavour Launch - sts 127- select Zaragoza 15-7-09

Endeavour launch - sts 127 15-7-09 select Zaragoza Single Engine Transoceanic Abort Landing TAL site Base de Zaragoza pista de emergencia en los vuelos del transbordador espacial. Zaragoza was designated a TAL site in 1983 and is the primary TAL site for high-inclination launches. Today, the Zaragoza Spanish Air Force retains the base's status as a TAL site through cooperative agreements between the US government (NASA) and the government of Spain, and between the US Department of Defense (DOD) and the Spanish Ministry of Defense. Primary TAL Site Zaragoza Spain Transoceanic Abort Landing Kylie Clem NASA commentator works at Johnson Space Center in Houston

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