Monday, January 31, 2011

Space Shuttle Discovery Launch/Landing..

NASA STS-124 space shuttle discovery launching from Titusville an the the landing ,flying over Orlando sonic booms..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

STS-132 Launch Countdown Coverage Begins

Space shuttle Atlantis is poised on the launch pad and ready for liftoff on mission STS-132. If arecognizable person appears in this video, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this video is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Shuttle Discovery sonic booms and landing March 28, 2009, Mission STS-119, to the International Space Station, landing at Kennedy Space Center, as seen from Space View Park in Titusville, Fla.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Endeavour Launch - sts 127- select Zaragoza 15-7-09

Endeavour launch - sts 127 15-7-09 select Zaragoza Single Engine Transoceanic Abort Landing TAL site Base de Zaragoza pista de emergencia en los vuelos del transbordador espacial. Zaragoza was designated a TAL site in 1983 and is the primary TAL site for high-inclination launches. Today, the Zaragoza Spanish Air Force retains the base's status as a TAL site through cooperative agreements between the US government (NASA) and the government of Spain, and between the US Department of Defense (DOD) and the Spanish Ministry of Defense. Primary TAL Site Zaragoza Spain Transoceanic Abort Landing Kylie Clem NASA commentator works at Johnson Space Center in Houston

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Queensryche - Shuttle Blue Sky

Video created by Max Q Entertainment. If you wish to use this video, please give us linked credit, . Thank you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Orbital looking to build a mini Space Shuttle? - SpacePod 2010.12.15

Fret not Space Shuttle fans... If Orbital Sciences gets their way, a new mini space shuttle may be coming your way! I'm Benjamin Higginbotham and this is your SpacePod for December 15th, 2010 Yesterday we talked a bit about Orbital Sciences plan to submit a proposal to NASA under Commercial Crew Development 2. Today we have a bit more info and a picture! According to a press release by Orbital the company will be seeking funding from NASA for a "blended lifting body vehicle" which will launch atop an Atlas 5 rocket and return to Earth with a conventional runway landing. Looks a bit like a small version of the space shuttle. The idea is that this vehicle could carry 3 astronauts and 1 paying tourist to the International Space Station and could have test flights as early as 2014. If the Atlas 5 rocket doesn't work, don't fret, Orbital says that the vehicle would be flexible enough to launch atop other vehicles. Now imagine finding a lower cost launch vehicle such as something from SpaceX and the amount of money required to put humans in to low Earth orbit may plummet! Speaking of human space flight, Russia is gearing up to send 3 astronauts to the International Space Station, Cady Coleman, Paolo Nespoli and Dmitry Kondratyev. Lifting off from the Gagarin Launch Pad today at 19:09 UTC the Expedition 26/27 crew will dock with the space station this Friday at 20:12 UTC. Tune in to Spacevidcast to watch this launch live! If you have never seen a Russian launch before, they are ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

STS125 Shuttle Liftsoff To Hubble & Piggybacks Back to KSC

STS125 Shuttle Liftsoff for its mission to repair the Hubble Telescope [for perhaps the last time] on 11 May 2009 & piggybacks on its customized 747 back home on 02 June 2009 to Kennedy Space Center after its diverted landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Lift off shot from the Beachline Causeway between Merritt Island and Cape Canaveral. Flyover shot from the famous Coca Beach Pier where it seemed liked it could almost clip the weather station on the Tiki Bar. Strictly a point & shoot camera --no telephoto lens was used.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

CNN Coverage of The STS-65 Landing

From July 23rd, 1994 CNN covers the 63rd Space Shuttle Landing Landing At 6:38:01 am EDT The STS-65 Crew: Commander: Robert D. Cabana Pilot :James D. Halsell Mission Specialist 1 :Richard J. Hieb Mission Specialist 2 :Carl E. Walz Mission Specialist 3 :Leroy Chiao Mission Specialist 4 :Donald A. Thomas Payload Specialist :Chiaki Naito-Mukai, NASDA

Saturday, January 22, 2011

STS-59 Launch

Launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour with the Space Laboratory Radar - 1. NASA's George Diller and James Hartsfield commentating. Source NASA.

Friday, January 21, 2011


YESTERDAY, on September 25, 2008, the People's Republic of China launched Shenzhou 7, the second phase of Project 921. Shenzhou VII was China's third human spaceflight, and was China's first ever spacewalk. With the launch of the manned Shenzhou 7 mission, China became the third nation in the world to spacewalk. At 21:10 CST, September 25, three Chinese astronauts (taikonauts) inside the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft blasted off on its CZ-2F "Long March 2" rocket boosters. This will be China's first three-man mission. This mission will also be China's first launch of a mini-satellite, China's first water training pool, and China's first extraterrestial Communist Party branch. During the mission, the crew will also launch China's first data-relay satelllite, named "Tianlian 1". Two Yuanwang-class space tracking ships (5 and 5) will also be used to track the mission. China's space program is currently the world's third most advanced and largest space program. The Chinese space program is also the world's fastest-advancing and fastest-upgrading space program. Shenzhou 7 will include SIX of China's first ever accomplishments! China will launch a full-size space station in 2010, build a space shuttle, have a human landing on the moon by 2020, and a manned mission to Mars by 2040. So, to our Chinese fellows and friends from all around the world, WE CAN DO IT!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Space shuttle Endeavour to ISS Part 3

Part 3 of a shuttle mission I flew in orbiter. Includes audio. This video features rendezvous maneuvers and docking to the International Space Station. Flown by Matt Fuller

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Discovery STS-119 Launch 03/15/09 7:43 PM EDT

Mission: STS-119 Orbiter: Discovery Primary Payload: S6 Truss Segment and US Solar Arrays Launch Date: March 15 Launch Time: 7:43 pm EDT Launch Pad: 39A Mission Duration: 13 days Landing Date: March 28, 2009 Landing Time: 1:43 pm EDT Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center, Florida Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

Monday, January 17, 2011

STS-130 Pilot's window view during launch

Taken on 8 February 2010, 04:14:08 EST from pilot's window of Endeavour (OV-105). Mass: - Total liftoff weight:4521961 pounds (2051127 kg) - Orbiter liftoff weight:267470 pounds (121320 kg) The mission marks: - 161st American manned space flight - 130th shuttle mission since STS-1 - 24th flight of Endeavour - 32nd shuttle mission to the ISS - 10th flight of Endeavour to the ISS - 1st shuttle flight in 2010 - 105th post-Challenger mission - 17th post-Columbia mission - 34th night launch of a shuttle (the last of the STS program), 21st night launch from launch pad 39A

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kennedy Space Center Home of the Space Shuttle

From touch down after a mission -- through processing for the next flight -- to liftoff again -- NASA's Space Shuttle fleet calls the Kennedy Space Center home. It takes a vast array of facilities and workers to prepare, launch, and land the Shuttles -- a process KSC has handled for more than twenty years. If arecognizable person appears in this video, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this video is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

1985 International Challenger Mission Team October 28, 2010 Photos

STS-61-A (also known as D-1) was the 22nd Space Shuttle mission. It was a scientific Spacelab mission funded and controlled by West Germany - hence the non-NASA name of D-1 (for Deutschland 1). It was also the last successful mission of the Space Shuttle Challenger. STS-61-A holds the record for the largest crew, eight people, aboard any single spacecraft for the entire period from launch to landing. The Space Shuttle mission carried the NASA/ESA Spacelab module with 76 experiments, and was declared a success.[1] Payload operations were controlled from the German Space Operations Center in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany instead of the regular NASA centers

Friday, January 14, 2011


I finally reposted the launch video of sts-129 in HD, lack of time and no how is the reason, but its all good now lol :) LAUNCH BEGINS AT 2:30 ENJOY LAUNCH INFO: Mission: STS-129 Orbiter: Atlantis Primary Payload:ELC 1 and 2, Control Moment Gyroscopes Launched: Nov. 16 Launch Time: 2:28 pm EST Launch Pad: 39A Landing: Nov. 27 - 9:44 am EST Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Mission Duration: 11 days Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Part 2 of aerial tour of Cape Canaveral onboard helicopter with 920th Rescue Wing

An aerial tour of Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center onbaord an HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter with the 920th Rescue Wing from Patrick, AFB in Florida. Members of the 920th took the media on an aerial survey of the launch pads and facilities of Cape Canaveral and KSC. some people flew on HC-130 aircraft and others, including me, flew on the Pave Hawks. We flew over the Delta 2 complex, SLC-17, up ICBM row to the Delta IV complex SLc-37 and the Atlas 5 launch pad SLC-41, SpaceX Falcon 9 pad at SLC-40 and the space shuttle launch pad 39-A. We then flew by the Vehicle Assembly Building and cruised down the space shuttle landing runway. Our tour winds up with an overflight of the KSC Visitor Center and then we head back to the Skid Strip at Cape Canaveral for landing. This is part two of a two-part video.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Orbiter flight sim Mission HST

This video is about launch with HST and place it on orbit. It have some errors because i have free fraps and slow PC

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Energiya-Buran II

Energiya-Buran images: OK-GLI, Antonov 225, launch and landing.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

CNN Coverage of The Launch of STS-61-C

From January 12th 1986 CNN Coverage of the 24th Space Shuttle Misssion, Last Pre Challenger Disaster Mission. The STS-61-C Crew: Commander :Robert L. Gibson Pilot :Charles F. Bolden Mission Specialist 1: Franklin Chang-Diaz Mission Specialist 2: Steven A. Hawley Mission Specialist 3: George D. Nelson Payload Specialist 1 :Robert Cenker Payload Specialist 2 Bill Nelson

Saturday, January 8, 2011

CHALLENGER - Tragedy (1986)

"Crew and Challenger Tribute" Space Shuttle Challenger (NASA Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-099) was NASA's second Space Shuttle orbiter to be put into service, Columbia being the first. Its maiden flight was on April 4, 1983, and it completed nine missions before breaking apart 73 seconds after the launch of its tenth mission, STS-51-L on January 28, 1986, resulting in the death of all seven crew members. (For more on the Challenger disaster, see Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.) The accident led to a two-and-a-half year grounding of the shuttle fleet, with missions resuming in 1988 with the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery on STS-26. Challenger itself was replaced by the Space Shuttle Endeavour, which first launched in 1992. History Challenger was named after HMS Challenger, a British corvette which carried out a pioneering global marine research expedition in the 1870s. Construction Because of the low production of Orbiters, the Space Shuttle program decided to build a vehicle as a Static Test Article, STA-099, that could later be converted to a flight vehicle. In order to prevent damage during structural testing, qualification tests were performed to a factor of safety of 1.2 times the design limit loads. The qualification tests were used to validate computational models, and compliance with the required 1.4 factor of safety was shown by analysis. NASA planned to refit the prototype orbiter Enterprise (OV-101), used for flight testing, as the second operational ...

Friday, January 7, 2011

NASA Sets Official Launch Date for Shuttle Discovery

After a day-long flight readiness review at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, senior NASA and contractor managers voted unanimously to set space

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

jetBlue a320 landing at Orlando Intl. (KMCO)

A bit of a crosswind, but a great landing! This flight was SYR-MCO flight time approx: 2hrs and 40mins, cruise 38000ft, flight 661, taken from seat 25F. Very friendly flight crew. If any of you are interested about becoming an airline pilot like I am, here is a little bit of information, I went to the pilots after the flight and basically asked what route or path they chose to becoming a pilot. Well, both pilots were trained in the air force while the captain still did have a little bit of civilian training, both were experienced pilots. Next question was how do you like your job, The answer was "I wouldn't trade it for the world". The next thing I asked was If I were looking to be hired now as a pilot, which airlines should I apply with first. He said look at Southwest, United, and Jetblue for now, also right now he said he would not touch delta/northwest because of all the financial mess and all the layoffs, but he said you can never tell, especially with the airline business, what will happen in the years to come. So that is a little bit of Q&A for you guys that are thinking about becoming an airline pilot. Thanks for watching!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Space Shuttle Shots

The Space Shuttle Transport System STS-108 "Endeavour" at launch, orbit, and return phases, featuring footage of the first test orbiter "Enterprise" undergoing B-747 separation and landing tests circa 1977 and "Columbia" on it's first landing from outer space.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ares 1-X Rocket Test Flight Launch

This is NASA's first flight test for the agency's next-generation spacecraft and launch vehicle system, called Ares IX, will bring NASA one step closer to its exploration goals. The flight test will provide NASA with an early opportunity to test and prove flight characteristics, hardware, facilities and ground operations associated with the Ares I. Rising into the Florida sky, the 327-foot rocket thunders away from the launch pad, marking the first time a new vehicle has launched from the complex since the first space shuttle launch in 1981. The mission will last two minutes, during which constant data received from the rocket. At about the T+2 minute point in the flight, the upper stage simulator and first stage will separate at approximately 130000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean. The unpowered simulator will splash down in the ocean. The first stage will be fired for a controlled ocean landing with parachutes that will allow recovery by one of NASA's booster recovery ships, while the other ship tracks the upper stage.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

SPACE SHUTTLE - Peter Schilling

MAJOR TOM is a fictional astronaut created by David Bowie, appearing in his songs "Space Oddity," "Ashes to Ashes," and "Hallo Spaceboy." Bowie's own interpretation of the character evolved throughout his career. 1969's "Space Oddity" depicts an astronaut who casually slips the bonds of a crass and material world to journey beyond the stars. In the 1980s song "Ashes to Ashes," Bowie reinterprets Major Tom as an oblique autobiographical symbol for himself. Major Tom is described as a "junkie, strung out in heaven's high, hitting an all-time low". This lyric was interpreted as a play on the title of Bowie's 1977 album Low, which charted his withdrawal following his drug abuse in America. A short time later, there is another reversal of Major Tom's original withdrawal, turning 'outwards' or towards space. Other major artists who have featured Bowie's character include Peter Schilling in his "Major Tom (Coming Home)" (remade recently by Shiny Toy Guns in 2009); "I'm A Soldier" by Stefán; "Mrs. Major Tom" by KIA; "Rocket" by Def Leppard; and "Rain or Shine" by Five Star; among others. Due to some similarities in Elton John's "Rocket Man", some presume this song might also be an allusion to Major Tom. In fact, Bowie made the connection during concerts, calling out during the song, "Oh, Rocket Man!". While this reference would make the Major Tom circle more complete, "Rocket Man" was released by Elton John in 1972 while "Space Oddity" was released in 1969. Major Tom ist eine ...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

STS-97 night launch of space shuttle Endeavour from Kennedy Space Center - I recorded this video from the causeway across the river from Launch Complex 39. STS-97 was a Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station (ISS) flown by Space Shuttle Endeavour. During the 11-day mission, the primary objective was completed, which was to deliver and connect the first set of US-provided solar arrays to the International Space Station. The astronauts completed three spacewalks, during which they prepared a docking port for arrival of the Destiny Laboratory Module, installed Floating Potential Probes to measure electrical potential surrounding the station, installed a camera cable outside the Unity Module, and transferred supplies, equipment and refuse between Endeavour and the station. Mission parameters * Mass o Orbiter Liftoff: 120742 kilograms (266190 lb) o Orbiter Landing: 89758 kilograms (197880 lb) o Payload: 7906 kilograms (17430 lb) * Perigee: 352 kilometres (219 mi) * Apogee: 365 kilometres (227 mi) * Inclination: 51.6° * Period: 91.7 min