Monday, May 31, 2010

Atlantis and C9 Depart Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi

Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi June 2, 2009 Space Shuttle Atlantis and its accompanying C9 depart from the airfield at approx 3p Central Standard Time. Our base also did a short blurb: Previously today, the shuttle made a pit stop at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas for refueling:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

Another great day spent in Florida, this time at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. You will need at least 6 hours to visit everthing. The bus tour alone takes 2 hours. Out of 4 hours of video, I managed to break it down to under 10 minutes and post it in here. I enjoyed it very much. Enjoy!! Visited on 04-06-2009

Saturday, May 29, 2010

NASA's canceled spacecraft and rockets, Orion and Area 1-X

NASA has been busy planning for a new spacecraft, the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), to be able to rendezvous with the ISS and then to take a crew back to the moon in conjunction with the Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM). A Crew Launch Vehicle, named Ares I, derived from the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) will deliver the CEV to low Earth Orbit (LEO) while a larger rocket, Ares 5, will deliver ISS cargo of the LSAM to LEO. Once in LEO, the CEV and LSAM will dock and a J-2X Earth Departure Stage (EDS) will deliver the CEV/LSAM to Low Lunar Orbit (LLO) at 100 km. The EDS is discarded and CEV/LSAM temporarily decouple. The LSAM then performs the Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) to deliver the LSAM to the lunar surface will all 4 astronauts onboard. After some amount of time on the surface, an ascent stage from the LSAM boosts the crew back to LLO and the ascent stage docks with the unattended CEV. The ascent stage is discarded and the service module section of the CEV boosts the crew module (with crew) towards Earth reentry, and the service module is then discarded. The crew module reenters the upper atmosphere and an ablative heat shield slows the craft to a point where it is captured by the Earth. Parachutes then slow the crew module for a land (or sea in emergencies) landing. Whew, safe at last from solar storms! Ares V will be able to launch 130 metric tons LEO inclined at 28.5 degrees or it can deliver 55 metric tons to trans-lunar orbit. By comparison, the ...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

NASA's Constellation Program complete animation video (HD) ( CANCELED )

That's a complete animation video of NASA's Constellation Program. NASA Completed the Assembly of Ares IX Test Rocket and its test flight is targeted for Oct. 31, 2009. For more info go to: NASA is planning to send the first Orion mission to the International Space Station at 2015. The mission to the moon is still on schedule for 2020. The last space shuttle flight is scheduled for Sept. 16, 2010.

Monday, May 24, 2010

STS-1: Shuttle Columbia Flight#1 April 12, 1981

Space Shuttle Columbia Flight#1 landing on Rogers Lake (a dry saltpan) at Edwards Air Force Base in California its first flight (STS-1). Landing: April 14, 1981

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cockpit View Of Shuttle Landing

Space Shuttle landing.. View from the cockpit For my flying friends, no explanation needed. For the non-flying friends, the following is information that should help understand what is going on and what to look for. The video attached to this file is an impressive cockpit view of the landing of a space shuttle at Edwards AFB, California to Runway 22 (southwest direction). The view is through the cockpit window with a HUD (Head Up Display) superimposed in front of the window. The HUD makes it possible for the astronaut to look out of the space shuttle, yet have the relevant information to fly and land in the space shuttle altitude, speed, on course or not, wings level, etc. (no need to glance down at his instruments). The video opens with the space shuttle flying in an easterly direction in preparation to land. There is some light conversation among the crew about a cloud cover - an under cast. You will see the under cast (clouds) at the bottom of the picture with the atmosphere giving off a faint color differentiation and then the darkening shades of blue to dark space. One crew member is backing up the flying astronaut by reminding him of the next events important because there is little to no room for error as the space shuttle is one giant glider with no chance to add power or go around. Just short of 3 minutes into the video, one crew member gives the flying astronaut a point when he should start a right turn for the runway. At about 3:10 in the video, the astronaut ...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

STS-125 Atlantis Hubble SM4 Post-Landing Remarks

SHUTTLE ATLANTIS CREW POST-LANDING REMARKS Following their safe landing Sunday, May 24, and subsequent egress and walkaround of the orbiter, crew members of space shuttle Atlantis stopped on the tarmac at Edwards Air Force Base in California to remark about their successful STS-125 mission to enhance and extend the life of the Hubble Space Telescope.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft takeoff and landing

English: Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft takeoff and landing. Español: El avión de transporte para el transbordador espacial. Año 1992. Credit: NASA

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Space shuttle Challenger - the first space tourist disaster-BBC Science & Nature

BBC space documentary 'Space Tourist' takes a look back at the space shuttle Challenger mission and why it is not necessarily wise for non-astronauts to venture out into the last frontier. Space tourist enthusiasts counter this argument with their own opinions on why space travel is a good idea.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

STS-128: Into The Night

Video created by Max Q Entertainment. If you wish to use this video, please give us linked credit, . Thank you.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery - March 15, 2009 - 7:43PM EDT

When the weather is clear, Space Shuttle launches from Kennedy Space Center in Florida are visible hundreds of miles away. My brother and I viewed the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery March 15, 2009 from the observation tower at Boca Ciega Millennium Park in Seminole, FL. The park is west of St. Petersburg and Tampa. Here are some flight details from Mission: STS-119 Orbiter: Discovery Primary Payload: S6 Truss Segment and US Solar Arrays Launch Date: March 15 Launch Time: 7:43 pm EDT Launch Pad: 39A Mission Duration: 13 days Landing Date: March 28, 2009 Landing Time: 1:43 pm EDT Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center, Florida Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Astronaut Brain .wmv

First time using Windows Movie Maker.. NASA Astronauts regularly strap themselves to 100000 pound rockets that blast them into space, then they......get out of the spacecraft! CRAZY!! But I love it... NICE! haha Anyway, I wrote a song, and mixed it with some NASA footage ...hope you like it..

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

STS-127: Practice Shuttle Landings

The STS-127 crew is at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to practice for their upcoming launch on June 13th, 2009. Commander Mark Polansky and Pilot Doug Hurley practice their landing in the Shuttle Training Aircraft.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

STS-129 HD Landing Atlantis Safely in Florida

Space shuttle Atlantis and its crew of seven astronauts ended an 11-day journey of nearly 4.5 million miles with a 9:44 am EST landing Friday at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Landing of Space Shuttle Discovery on September 11th 2009 (shuttle is very clear in sky)

you can see the space shuttle very clearly in the sky before it comes down to Edwards Airforcebase in California on September 11th 2009

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Space Shuttle Construction ( 1:144 scale ) - 2min timelapse

REVELL 1:144 "Discovery & Booster Rockets" Skill level 4 Detailing, more decals and final white coat before flat cover. Window and decals to be fashioned as kit windshield was deformed. Next duplicate Shuttle to be completed with small explosive charges fastened inside - special effects sequence in soon to be completed animated film. Booster Rockets and launch platform( to be completed later )

Saturday, May 8, 2010

President Obama Calls STS-125 Atlantis Hubble Servicing Crew

President Obama calls the crew of the Space Shuttle Atlantis which is currently in space for the STS-125 Hubble Service Mission 4.

Friday, May 7, 2010

ORBITER - Shuttle Launch Tutorial

shuttle launch and orbit insertion in Orbiter see also my re-entry and landing vid here on Utube

Thursday, May 6, 2010

STS-61-A Space Shuttle Challenger Launch 1985

STS-61-A was the 22nd Space Shuttle flight and the 9th by Challenger. It took off from Launch Pad 39-A on October 30, 1985 at 17:00:00 UTC. It landed at Edwards AFB on November 6, 1985 at 17:44:51 UTC. The main payload carried and placed into orbit was the German Spacelab D-1. Other payload placed in orbit was the Global Low Orbiting Message Relay Satellite. This is not my own video, I downloaded it off of and edited it on my own.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


"I Have Not Been To Paradise" - Zoe Poledouris NASA's Space Shuttle, officially named the Space Transportation System (STS), is the spacecraft currently used by the United States government for its human spaceflight missions and is scheduled to be retired from service in 2010. At launch, it consists of a rust-colored external tank (ET), two white, slender Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs), and the orbiter, which is a winged spaceplane in the narrowest sense. The orbiter carries astronauts and payload such as satellites or space station parts into low earth orbit, into the Earth's upper atmosphere or thermosphere.[1] Usually, five to seven crew members ride in the orbiter. The payload capacity is 22700 kilograms (50000 lb). When the orbiter's mission is complete it fires its Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) thrusters to drop out of orbit and re-enters the lower atmosphere.[1] During the descent, the shuttle orbiter decelerates from hypersonic speed primarily by aerobraking and then for the landing phase it acts as a glider, making a completely unpowered (deadstick) landing. Two solid rocket boosters (SRBs) each provide 12.5 million newtons (2.8 million lbf) of thrust at liftoff, which is 83% of the total thrust needed for liftoff. The SRBs are jettisoned two minutes after launch at a height of about 45.7 kilometers (150000 ft), and then deploy parachutes and land in the ocean to be recovered.[3] The SRB cases are made of steel about 1.3 centimeters (0.51 in) thick.

Monday, May 3, 2010

STS-126 Endeavour Shuttle Arriving at Kennedy Space Center - Full Part 1

Part 2: For the short version, see The arrival of the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft with the Space Shuttle Endeavour at NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC). The Endeavour landed on 30 November 2008 on the Edwards Air Force Base in California, because of the bad weather at KSC. There it was mounted atop the 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft to be brought back to KSC, to prepare it for the next mission in 2009. The 747 landed at : pm EST on runway 33. After landing, the Shuttle will be brought to the Orbiter Processing Facility for preparation for it's next mission.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The end of the Space Shuttle era - 2.07

We are fast approaching the end of an era. NASAs space shuttle program will be retiring and in its place will be the Constellation program. Or will it?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Space Shuttle Operations Video

This video is adapted from NASA footage that shows several different views of the space shuttle in operation; including a view of the launch from the shuttle cockpit; the payload doors opening; a night launch; and the shuttle landing.