Friday, December 31, 2010


Scott Higginbotham - Mission Manager Weight: 4000 lbs. Lenght: 4.5 feet Diamenter: 9.7 feet Builder: Alenia Spazio Mission: STS-130 Shuttle: Endeavour Credit:NASA

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Two NASA Space Shuttles on Two Launch Pads for Final Time

Video Courtesy NASA/courtesy of Following rollout of space shuttle Endeavour from the Vehicle Assembly Building to Launch Pad 39B on April 17, two shuttles were on the launch pads at the same time at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Shuttle Atlantis already had been moved to Launch Pad 39A. Endeavour will stand by at pad B in the unlikely event that a rescue mission is necessary during Atlantis' upcoming mission to upgrade NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. Atlantis is targeted to launch May 12. With the space shuttle fleet set for retirement in 2010, this is expected to be the final time two shuttles will be on launch pads at the same time. Video includes aerials of the shuttles on April 17, and sunrise shots and additional aerials on April 18.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

STS-120 Launch Day

This video is Captured Orbiter. It is Launch day activities in STS-120 Thanks for David413 and his greatest addon Shuttle fleet.

Monday, December 27, 2010

STS-131 space shuttle Discovery lands at NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

From the edge of the KSC runway, space shuttle Discovery lands at the conclusion of mission STS-132 on April 20, 2010. This video was shot from the press viewing site next to the control tower at NASA's Shuttle Landing Facility. The tower is located at the midfield location halfway down the 15000 foot runway. Discovery completed a resupply and maintenance mission to the International Space Station on its next-to-last flight ever in the shuttle program.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Expedition 25 Hands Over the Space Station to Expedition 26

The reins of the International Space Station were passed from Expedition 25 Commander Doug Wheelock to Expedition 26 Commander Scott Kelly in a ceremony aboard the complex Nov. 24. The other station crew members looked on. Wheelock, Shannon Walker and Fyodor Yurchikhin will return to Earth in their Soyuz TMA-19 spacecraft Nov. 25 for a parachute-assisted landing on the steppe of Kazakhstan.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

NASA's canceled spacecraft and rockets, Orion and Ares 1-X

NASA has been busy planning for a new spacecraft, the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), to be able to rendezvous with the ISS and then to take a crew back to the moon in conjunction with the Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM). A Crew Launch Vehicle, named Ares I, derived from the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) will deliver the CEV to low Earth Orbit (LEO) while a larger rocket, Ares 5, will deliver ISS cargo of the LSAM to LEO. Once in LEO, the CEV and LSAM will dock and a J-2X Earth Departure Stage (EDS) will deliver the CEV/LSAM to Low Lunar Orbit (LLO) at 100 km. The EDS is discarded and CEV/LSAM temporarily decouple. The LSAM then performs the Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) to deliver the LSAM to the lunar surface will all 4 astronauts onboard. After some amount of time on the surface, an ascent stage from the LSAM boosts the crew back to LLO and the ascent stage docks with the unattended CEV. The ascent stage is discarded and the service module section of the CEV boosts the crew module (with crew) towards Earth reentry, and the service module is then discarded. The crew module reenters the upper atmosphere and an ablative heat shield slows the craft to a point where it is captured by the Earth. Parachutes then slow the crew module for a land (or sea in emergencies) landing. Whew, safe at last from solar storms! Ares V will be able to launch 130 metric tons LEO inclined at 28.5 degrees or it can deliver 55 metric tons to trans-lunar orbit. By comparison, the ...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

FSX HD Space Shuttle Crash Landing AREA 51!!

After a dangerous attempt of heading to space full speed with nose up I don't realise what im in for. At 712000 FEET Engine Number 2 engulfs in flames due to the fact that I put to much pressure on it. The plane stalls into a terrible dive with a huge fuel leak on EN2. Luckily i make it to Area 51's Runway. Will i survive? Find out! ------------------------------ Donations appreciated.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Space Shuttle Dirty Launch

Human head, face, and eye appeared on the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Separation smoke. Be patient, watch to the end, this is not a prank.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

STS-130 Landing: Go for deorbit burn

Capcom Rick Sturckow tells the STS-130 astronauts aboard space shuttle Endeavour that they are 'go' for the deorbit burn. Endeavour and crew landed on the first opportunity Feb. 21, 2010 at 10:20 pm EST. If arecognizable person appears in this video, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this video is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Flight Simulator X FSX | Space Shuttle Landing 2010 | Download Addon | HD 720p - If you want to buy the space shuttle addon i recommend this store for instant download - A wonderful addon to the FSX Flight Simulator X pc game! See me land the Space Shuttle Atlantis on NASA shuttel landing facility. HD 720p gives you a nice quality view of the space shuttle. hope you Enjoy and pleas rank and make a comment? ;) 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

NASA Dreamtime HDTV 720p

Short documentary for your enjoyment, shot in HD before and during the STS-99 SRTM mission.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

NASA's Dynamic Duo on Launch Pads

For the first time since July 2001, and the last time ever, two space shuttles are on the launch pads at the same time at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Atlantis is targeted to lift off on the STS-125 mission to service NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, and Endeavour is ready to act as a rescue vehicle for Atlantis, if needed. After Atlantis' safe landing, Endeavour will roll around to pad 39A for its upcoming STS-126 mission to the International Space Station.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

X37-B Orbital Vehicle.wmv

X-37B Orbital Vehicle-The Air Force is set to launch America's newest and most advanced unmanned reentry spacecraft April 22, 2010 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Courtesy Pentagon

Friday, December 10, 2010


On the east coast of the Florida Peninsula, Cape Canaveral juts out into the Atlantic, an uninhabitable area that consists of lagoons, mangrove swamps and marshes. As far back as 1949, the 'Rocket Trials Zone', as it was then known, has been further developed and extended to become the world famous Space Station it is today. From here, the first Americans went into orbit and also landed on the moon and more than 110 manned space flights have been launched from the Cape which, in its golden years, employed more than 25000. Models of numerous rockets are displayed along with monitors that show the original pre-launch countdown procedure. The layout of the launch surveillance control room is featured in the Apollo Saturn 5 Center and, in the distance, an impressive array of launch pads is on view. The Kennedy Space Center is America's 'gateway to the stars' from where rockets, satellites and astronauts are launched into the universe to explore the unknown. Our feet well and truly on the ground, most of us will never get closer to space than this truly impressive, historic yet futuristic, space center.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hail Columbia launch and landing April 12 to April 14, 1981

Space Shuttle Columbia (NASA Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-102) was the first spaceworthy space shuttle in NASA's orbital fleet. Its first mission, STS-1, lasted from April 12 to April 14, 1981.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Part 1 of aerial tour of Cape Canaveral onboard helicopter with 920th Rescue Wing

An aerial tour of Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center onbaord an HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter with the 920th Rescue Wing from Patrick, AFB in Florida. Members of the 920th took the media on an aerial survey of the launch pads and facilities of Cape Canaveral and KSC. some people flew on HC-130 aircraft and others, including me, flew on the Pave Hawks. We flew over the Delta 2 complex, SLC-17, up ICBM row to the Delta IV complex SLc-37 and the Atlas 5 launch pad SLC-41, SpaceX Falcon 9 pad at SLC-40 and the space shuttle launch pad 39-A. We then flew by the Vehicle Assembly Building and cruised down the space shuttle landing runway. Our tour winds up with an overflight of the KSC Visitor Center and then we head back to the Skid Strip at Cape Canaveral for landing. This is part one of a two-part video.

Monday, December 6, 2010

President Arrives in Florida to Launch Space Conference

Air Force One carrying President Obama set down at the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASAs Kennedy Space Center in Florida at approximately 1:25 pm EDT on Apr.15. The President is at Kennedy to speak about the bold, new course outlined in his fiscal year 2011 budget request for NASA and the future of human space exploration. The speech highlights a one-day Conference on the American Space Program for the 21st Century hosted by NASA to examine different aspects of the President's new direction for the agency and Americas space program. (Details at:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Space Shuttle Discovery Launch STS-124 31 MAY 2008 HD

Video Courtesy NASA STS-124 was a Space Shuttle mission, flown by Space Shuttle Discovery to the International Space Station. Discovery launched on May 31, 2008 at 5 pm EDT, moved from an earlier scheduled launch date of May 25, 2008., and landed safely at the Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility, at 11:15 am EDT on June 14, 2008. The mission is also referred to as ISS-1J by the ISS program. Completion of the mission leaves eight flights remaining in the Space Shuttle program until its end in 2010, excluding two as-yet-unconfirmed Contingency Logistic Flights. Using NASA Imagery and Linking to NASA Web Sites12.05.08 Still Images, Audio Recordings, Video, and Related Computer Files NASA still images; audio files; video; and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format, generally are not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video, audio, and data files used for the rendition of 3-dimensional models for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

"triple home run," Commander Pam Melroy

"When I look back at our mission, it seems like we kind of hit a triple home run," Commander Pam Melroy said.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis HDTV

NASA Dreamtime Shuttle launch and various recordings from Space. Watch how the Us Space shuttle launches into outter space and records magnificent view of the Earth's lakes and sky. Then watch how it deals with the shuttle's satellites as it explores the outter space. Enjoy the beauty of space travel and exploration.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

STS-26 Launch From T-minus 50 seconds to MECO!

America's return to space following the Challenger Accident! CDR-Rick Hauck, PLT-Dick Covey, MS's-Dave Hilmers, Pinky Nelson, Mike Lounge. September 29-October 3, 1988.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Testing the STS-119 Discovery Crew Jan27-2009

NARRATOR: The seven astronauts who will fly space shuttle Discovery to the International Space Station recently completed a full launch dress rehearsal, known as the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, or TCDT, at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The crew members arrived in their T-38 jets Jan. 19, and after a short briefing, headed off to Launch Pad 39B to practice driving M-113 armored personnel carriers. Veteran astronaut Lee Archambault will command the STS-119 flight, assisted by Pilot Tony Antonelli, Mission Specialists Joseph Acaba, John Phillips, Steve Swanson, Richard Arnold and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata. Late in the afternoon, Archambault and Antonelli took to the skies in NASA's Shuttle Training Aircraft to practice landing a jet that handles much like the space shuttle. The next day, the astronauts took part in safety training at the 195-foot level of Launch Pad 39A. The crew also inspected Discovery's payload bay with the S6 truss and US solar arrays tucked securely inside. On the final day of training, the crew members suited up and checked the fit of their flight suits, helmets and gloves. They left the Operations and Checkout Building waving to a crowd of well-wishers and made their way out to the pad. After all the crew members were seated in Discovery's flight deck, technicians briefly closed the hatch. After wrapping up three days of intensive training, the astronauts left Kennedy for NASA's Johnson Space ...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Space Shuttle Launch Endeavor (STS-130)

Video from Titusville. General Information: Mission: STS-130 Orbiter: Endeavour Primary Payload: Tranquility Node 3, cupola Launched: Feb. 8, 2010 Launch Time: 4:14 am EST Launch Pad: 39A Landing: Feb. 21 at 10:24 pm EST Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Mission Duration: 13 days Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

Friday, November 26, 2010

X-37 Test Flight B-Roll (No Audio).MP4

The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle, or OTV, is a non-operational system that will demonstrate a reliable, reusable, unmanned space test platform for the US Air Force. The objectives of the OTV program include space experimentation, risk reduction and a concept of operations development for reusable space vehicle t...echnologies. Features The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle is the newest and most advanced re-entry spacecraft. Based on NASA's X-37 design, the unmanned OTV is designed for vertical launch to low Earth orbit altitudes where it can perform long duration space technology experimentation and testing. Upon command from the ground, the OTV autonomously re-enters the atmosphere, descends and lands horizontally on a runway. The X-37B is the first vehicle since NASA's Shuttle Orbiter with the ability to return experiments to Earth for further inspection and analysis. Technologies to be tested include advanced guidance, navigation and control, thermal protection systems, avionics, high temperature structures and seals, conformal reusable insulation, and lightweight electromechanical flight systems. In addition, the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle will demonstrate autonomous orbital flight, reentry and landing. Background The Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office is leading the Department of Defense's Orbital Test Vehicle initiative, by direction of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics and the Secretary of the Air Force. The Air Force OTV effort uses ...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Apollo 11 40th Anniversary - Part 5: Return to the Moon

When the Space Shuttle program ends in September 2010, for the first time since 1961 America will have no way to launch a man into space. The Constellation program that is in the early stages of development would put a crew back on the moon by 2020.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fly Me To The Moon - Flight Simulator 2002

Flying the freeware Space Shuttle from It is extremely unrealistic. Please subscribe for 3 videos a week.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Orbiter Simulator - Space Shuttle Mission (HD-1080p)

Orbiter space flight simulator REMASTERED / HD-1080p Space Shuttle Atlantis process in the VAB, RSS Retraction and launch from pad 39A in Kennedy space center. Earth images inside orbiter Atlantis and the cargo bay. Then and finally the landing in KSC runway 33 ADDONS *Shuttlefleet V.4.0 *Exp. Pack Shuttle Fleet V.4.0 *KSC High Res texture *Earth level 10 *Spacelab Update *Orbiter Sound V.3.5 *Shuttle Crawler for rollout *KSC Environment (Inside VAB)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Space Shuttle Era: Landing Sites

NASA has a roster of runways around the globe that could host a shuttle landing. If arecognizable person appears in this video, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this video is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

NASA Tests Spaceflight Emergency System

As NASA prepares for the next generation of spacecraft, the space agency is renewing its focus on safety. A team of engineers is developing a emergency landing system that would fly astronauts to safety.

Friday, November 19, 2010

STS-132 space shuttle Atlantis landing

a 8 minute video of the STS-132 space shuttle Atlantis landing. STS-132 Mission Statistics Landed: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 8:48 am EDT Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center, Florida Mission Elapsed Time: 11 days, 18 hours, 29 minutes, 9 seconds Official Landing Times Main gear touchdown: 8:48:11 am EDT Nose gear touchdown: 8:48:21 am EDT Wheels stop: 8:49:18 am EDT Total miles: more than 4.8 million

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ebenaezer - FronTier

I google all the pictures... Simple slideshow of the space shuttle launch, orbit, and landing featuring my song FronTier. Enjoy! =) Composer: Ebenaezer Song: FronTier

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Space Shuttle Launch - Endeavour - STS-123

Launch: March 11, 2008 2:28 am EDT Launch Pad: 39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida --------------------------------------- Space shuttle Endeavour vaulted off the launch pad lighting up the night sky with a crew of seven to deliver the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kibo laboratory and a Canadian robotics system to the International Space Station. NASA astronaut Dominic Gorie commanded the STS-123 mission, which included Pilot Gregory H. Johnson, and Mission Specialists Rick Linnehan, Robert L. Behnken, Mike Foreman, Garrett Reisman and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's astronaut, Takao Doi. After the flawless launch, Endeavour's record-breaking 12-day stay at the station and five ambitious and successful spacewalks, the astronauts accomplished all of their assignments, including some get-ahead tasks for the upcoming STS-124 mission. The shuttle crew, working with the Expedition 16 members, attached the first section of the Kibo component to the station -- Kibo means 'hope' in Japanese. Three spacewalks later the two-armed robotics system known as Dextre was up and running. Completing 6.6 million miles and nearly 16 days in space, the shuttle crew was ready for the journey home. Low clouds over and around the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center thwarted the first landing attempt. The second opportunity brought shuttle Endeavour and its crew safely back to Earth at 8:39 pm EDT, March 26. The European Space Agency's astronaut, Leopold Eyharts ...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

STS 69 - Space Shuttle Endeavour

The 11-day mission will feature the second flight of the Wake Shield Facility (WSF), a saucer-shaped satellite that will fly free of the Shuttle for several days. The WSF will grow thin films in a near perfect vacuum created by the wake of the satellite as it it moves through space. The crew also will deploy and retrieve the Spartan 201 astronomy satellite, perform a six-hour spacewalk to test assembly techniques for the international Space Station and test thermal improvements made to space suits used during space walks. STS-69 (71) Endeavour (9) Pad 39-A (55) 71st Shuttle Mission 102nd US Manned Mission 9th Flight OV-105 30th Shuttle EVA 10th Rollback Launch Thursday, September 7 at 11:09:00.052 am EDT. Landing At KSC September 18, 1995 at 7:37:56am EDT. KSC Shuttle Landing Facility Runway 33

Saturday, November 13, 2010

STS-8 first night shuttle launch & landing (8-30-83)

STS-8, the first night launch and night landing of the space shuttle program. August 30, 1983.

Friday, November 12, 2010

America's Pride Tribute to Nasa's Crew and Shuttle.wmv

The Space Shuttle is the first orbital spacecraft designed for reuse. It carries different payloads to Low Earth Orbit, provides crew rotation for the International Space Station (ISS), and performs servicing missions. The orbiter can also recover satellites and other payloads from orbit and return them to Earth. Each Shuttle was designed for a projected lifespan of 100 launches or ten years of operational life, although this was later extended. The person in charge of designing the STS was Maxime Faget, who had also overseen the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo spacecraft designs. The crucial factor in the size and shape of the Shuttle Orbiter was the requirement that it be able to accommodate the largest planned commercial and classified satellites, and have the cross-range recovery range to meet the requirement for classified USAF missions for a once-around abort from a launch to a polar orbit. Factors involved in opting for solid rockets and an expendable fuel tank included the desire of the Pentagon to obtain a high-capacity payload vehicle for satellite deployment, and the desire of the Nixon administration to reduce the costs of space exploration by developing a spacecraft with reusable components. Six airworthy Space Shuttle orbiters have been built; the first, Enterprise, was not built for orbital space flight, and was used only for testing purposes. Five space-worthy orbiters were built: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour. Enterprise was ...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

WISE Eyes, Haitian Quake Study, More on This Week @ NASA!

A near-Earth asteroid is discovered is, Spirit is renewed, and the next space shuttle mission is almost ready to go. Just some of what youll see on TW@N! For more info:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

STS-29 Space Shuttle Discovery Launch 1989

STS-29 was the 28th Space Shuttle flight and the 8th by Discovery. It took off from Launch Pad 39-B on March 13, 1989 at 9:57:00 am EST. It landed at Edwards AFB on March 18, 1989 at 6:35:51 am PST. The main payload carried and placed into orbit was the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite. This is not my own video, I downloaded it off of and edited it on my own.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

STS-124 Lift Off

I've lived in florida for most of my life, and never visited the cape to see the shuttle take off. This was my first trip. It was pretty cool ... if you get a chance to go, you should. Here is the mission info: Launch: May 31, 2008 5:02 pm EDT Orbiter: Discovery Mission Number: STS-124 (123rd space shuttle flight) Launch Window: 10 minutes Launch Pad: 39A Mission Duration: 14 days Landing Site: KSC Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles Primary Payload: 26th station flight (1J), Kibo Pressurized Module, Japanese Remote Manipulator System

Monday, November 8, 2010

STS-127 Endeavour's Astronauts Arrive at Kennedy for Launch [HD]

The seven astronauts set to launch aboard space shuttle Endeavour arrived at NASA's Kennedy Space Center on Tuesday afternoon, July 7, touching down at 1:13 pm EDT on the Shuttle Landing Facility in a Gulfstream jet. The STS-127 launch countdown will officially begin Wednesday at 10 pm when clocks begin ticking backward from T-43 hours. Liftoff is set for July 11 at 7:39 pm The STS-127 crew members are Commander Mark Polansky, Pilot Doug Hurley and Mission Specialists Dave Wolf, Christopher Cassidy, Tom Marshburn, Tim Kopra and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Julie Payette.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Stunning Video From Space Shuttle Discovery Launch

This is truly amazing footage from a camera mounted on the Discovery Shuttle's rocket booster. Watch in real-time as the shuttle launches, separates and then we fall back... More» down to earth with the rocket booster; landing in the ocean. Amazingly, the whole journey is over in about 5 minutes.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

STS-124 Launch Rehearsal

The crew of space shuttle Discovery's STS-124 mission arrived at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida to take part in the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test on May 6. Space Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach and Discovery's Flow Director Stephanie Stilson warmly greeted the astronauts at Kennedy's Shuttle Landing Facility. Commander Mark Kelly leads the crew that includes Pilot Ken Ham, Mission Specialists Karen Nyberg, Mike Fossum, Greg Chamitoff, Ron Garan and Japanese astronaut, Aki Hoshide. The crew paused briefly to speak to the media. "But it's great to see the vehicle at the pad. The folks here at KSC worked really, really hard for many months to get the space shuttle ready for launch. " During the three days of training, Kelly and Ham made several flights in the Shuttle Training Aircraft to simulate shuttle landings on the 3-mile-long runway the orbiters' land on when returning from space. Emergency exit training at the launch pad included practice driving M-113 armored personnel carriers, developed to help them leave the area quickly and safely in the unlikely event of an emergency. On the agenda was a trip to the 195-foot level of launch pad 39A for briefings at the slidewire baskets and in the safety bunker that are both part of the pad's emergency exit system. Later, outfitted in clean-room bunny suits, the crew inspected Discovery's cargo, the Japanese Kibo Laboratory Pressurized Module, stowed securely inside its payload bay. On the final day at ...

Friday, November 5, 2010

STS-120 Discovery Launch

Lancement le 23 octobre de la navette spatiale Discovery pour la mission STS-120 en direction de la station spatiale internationale ISS

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shuttle Re-entry Sonic Boom Break the Sound Barrier

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!!! Make sure your sub woofer is on. At 15 seconds the very familiar twin boom is ever so clear. This is a short video from my house in Downtown Orlando of Space Shuttle Atlantis landing. Seems like the dogs know right before the sonic boom is going to come. They start barking their heads off. Shuttle came in at 6:21am. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!!!! If you want to see the December 9th, 2006 Night shuttle Launch of Discovery... Check out my other video at

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

STS 120 Launch, Discovery (Oct. 23, 2007)

STS 120 Orbiter: Discovery Mission: Space Station Assembly Mission 10A Primary Payload: Harmony Node 2 Launch Date: Oct. 23, 2007 Launch Time: 11:38 am EDT Launch Pad: 39A Landing Date: Nov. 7, 2007 Landing Time: 1:01 pm EST Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles Carrying a crew of seven astronauts, space shuttle Discovery began mission STS-120 with a brilliant, on-time launch from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Oct. 23, 2007. The prime payload was an Italian-built US module called Harmony. The construction mission's two primary goals were to attach Harmony to the International Space Station in a temporary position and relocate the P6 truss segment and its solar arrays to the end of the port side of the station. The mission, commanded by Pam Melroy, also delivered Mission Specialist Dan Tani to the space station, where he replaced astronaut Clay Anderson who returned to Earth on Discovery after spending five months onboard the station. The crew conducted four spacewalks during the mission, including one which pitted shuttle, station and ground crews against a snagged and torn solar array. Outstanding work by the teams resulted in a repaired, fully deployed and functional array, paving the way for upcoming missions.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

STS-127: Performs TCDT in KSC

The crew of STS-127 are in Kennedy Space Center in Florida to perform the TCDT, the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, in order to prepare for their upcoming launch on June 13th, 2009.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

NASA Lunar - Simulated Crew Module Arrives to Top off Ares IX

NARRATOR: NASA's Constellation Program is a step closer to the first test flight of the vehicle that will send humans on their way to the moon. Hardware that will be used for the test flight of Ares IX was delivered by a C-5 aircraft to Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility in January 2009. The equipment, consisting of a meticulously engineered simulated crew module and launch abort system, was carefully unloaded from the belly of the enormous aircraft. The launch abort system simulator is 46 feet in length and will fit over the crew module and tower above it, forming the nose of the vehicle. Two flatbed trucks transported the hardware to High Bay 4 of Kennedy's Vehicle Assembly Building. Inside the massive building, workers removed the protective blue cover from the simulated crew module. This hardware and other elements will be integrated into the full-scale Ares IX test launch vehicle. Kennedy's Launch Pad 39B will be the site of the first Ares IX test flight targeted to launch in 2009 -- an important step toward developing Ares I, NASA's next-generation crew launch vehicle.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Bold New Course for NASA

President Obama lays out his vision for the future of NASA and for maintaining US leadership in human space flight in remarks at the John F. Kennedy Space Center. April 15, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

STS-6 - Space Shuttle Challenger first Launch + first Landing

April 4, 1983. STS-6 was the first Mission of the "new" and secound Orbiter Challenger.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

STS-129: PV

Mission: STS-129 Date: Nov. 16 Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle Atlantis Launch Site: Kennedy Space Center - Launch Pad 39A Launch Time: 2:28 pm EST Landing: Nov. 27, 9:47 am EST Description: Space shuttle Atlantis will deliver components including two spare gyroscopes, two nitrogen tank assemblies, two pump modules, an ammonia tank assembly and a spare latching end effector for the station's robotic arm to the International Space Station.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shuttle landing on lakebed at Edwards Air Force Base

This 25 second movie clip shows a Shuttle landing on lakebed at Edwards Air Force Base. During 1977 the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, hosted the Approach and Landing Tests for the space shuttle prototype Enterprise. Since the shuttles would land initially on Rogers Dry Lakebed adjacent to Dryden on Edwards Air Force Base, NASA had already modified a Boeing 747 to carry them back to their launch site at Kennedy Space Center, Florida. Computer calculations and simulations had predicted the mated shuttle and 747 could fly together safely, but NASA wanted to verify that prediction in a controlled flight-test environment before the shuttles went into operation. The agency also wanted to glide test the orbiter to ensure it could land safely before sending it into space with human beings aboard. NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, developed a three-phase test program. First, an unpiloted-captive phase tested the shuttle/747 combination without a crew on the Enterprise in case of a problem that required jettisoning the prototype. There were three taxi tests and five flight tests without a crew in the shuttle. That phase ended on March 2, 1977. The second or captive-active phase-completed on July 26, 1977, flew the orbiter mated to the 747 with a two-person crew inside. Finally there were five flights-completed on October 26, 1977, in which the orbiter separated from the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA, as the 747 was designated) and landed ...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

STS 78 - Space Shuttle Columbia

The scheduled 15-day, 21-hour STS-78 Life and Microgravity Spacelab (LMS) mission will help set the stage for the International Space Station by studying the effects of long-duration space flight on human physiology and conducting the type of experiments that would fly on the orbital platform. Columbia will climb to a 173-statute-mile (278-kilometer)-high orbit with a 39-degree inclination to the Earth's equator to allow the seven-member flight crew to maintain the same sleep/wake rhythms they are accustomed to on Earth and to reduce vibrational and directional forces that could affect on-board microgravity experiments. STS-78 (78) Columbia (20) Pad 39-B (37) 78th Shuttle Mission 20th Flight OV-102 KSC Landing (31) Longest Mission to date Launch June 20, 1996 10:49:00.0075 am EDT. Landing KSC July 7, 1996 8:37.30 am EDT. Runway 33. At 7:25 am EDT Please visit my norwegian aircraft list website:

Monday, October 25, 2010

shuttle launch

NASA Hints It's Found Missing Moon-Landing Videotapes Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Print ShareThis NASA A still of the original video feed from Apollo 11. The rediscovered videotapes should be of the same or better quality. It looks like NASA has found the missing moon-landing videotapes. A carefully worded media advisory note issued Monday promised that "greatly improved video imagery from the July 1969 live broadcast of the Apollo 11 moonwalk" would be made public Thursday. Rumors have been flying around the Internet for weeks that NASA, after years of searching, had discovered the original recordings of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's lunar excursion — which the space agency once feared had been accidentally destroyed. The story, as summarized by Britain's Sunday Express newspaper in late June, was that the tapes had been found in a storage facility in the basement of a building on a university campus in Perth, Australia. Monday's statement appeared to confirm that report, stating that the footage comes from what is "believed to be the best available broadcast-format copies of the lunar excursion, some of which had been locked away for nearly 40 years." Back on July 20, 1969, the raw video feed from the moon was beamed to the Parkes Observatory radio telescope in southeastern Australia, as well as two other radio telescopes in Australia and California. The feed was then compressed and sent to Mission Control in Houston. Because of technical issues, NASA's images couldn't be ...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

NASA Through the Eyes of an Eighteen Year Old (Part 5)

I had the opportunity to work at NASA's Kennedy Space Center for a summer. This is a video of my experience. Part 5.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

First Paragliding Flight, Fuyang China

After several weeks of ground handling (practice) lessons and instruction I finally took my first paragliding flight. This launch site is is Fuyang, China about 1 hour from Hangzhou (3 hours South of Shanghai). I had 5 flights on this, my first day. The launch site is on a 300m hill overlooking a farm covered valley. At the landing site local van drivers come out to shuttle gliders back up the hillside. This was a really exciting and beautiful day for me. Many thanks to my teacher Hubi and the other pilots who assisted me on this first day of flying (esp you Riyadh!)

Friday, October 22, 2010

HD480p Discovery mission STS-131 launch

STS-131 (ISS assembly flight 19A) was a Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station (ISS). Space Shuttle Discovery launched on 5 April 2010 from Kennedy Space Center's launch pad 39A and landed at 9:08 AM on 20 April 2010 on runway 33 at the Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility.. The mission marked the longest flight for space shuttle Discovery. The primary payload was a Multi-Purpose Logistics Module loaded with supplies and equipment for the International Space Station. The mission also removed and replaced an ammonia tank assembly outside the station on the S1 truss. The mission also included several on-board payloads; this mission had the most payloads since STS-107. Commander: Alan Poindexter -Second spaceflight Pilot: James Dutton - First spaceflight Mission Specialist 1: Richard Mastracchio - Third spaceflight - EV1 Mission Specialist Educator 2:Dorothy M. Metcalf-Lindenburger - First spaceflight - Flight Engineer/Intra-vehicular officer Mission Specialist 3: Stephanie Wilson - Third spaceflight - Lead robotics officer Mission Specialist 4: Naoko Yamazaki, JAXA - First spaceflight - Load master Mission Specialist 5: Clayton Anderson - Second spaceflight - EV2

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nasa's Apollo 11 UFO

Secret Industries Space Theatre Present's - The Apollo 11 UFO. Buzz Aldrin Gives A Discriptive Detailed Account In To The Apollo 11 UFO. About Me: I Am A UFO Researcher Based In Cambridgeshire, England. I Am A Member Of The Forums And Run My Own UFO Related Website http Space Theatre Equipment I Use For Filming UFO's And Satellites: Yukon Ranger Night Vision Monocular Pioneer Dvr Dvd Player/Recorder Toshiba Lcd Monitor Power Director For Video Processing Visit: Visit =============== PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL! ===============

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Apollo 12

Shots of the Apollo 12 launch which was affected by a lightning strike, followed by shots of Pete Conrad collecting samples on the Moon. This video is from the NASA documentary APOLLO 12: 'Pinpoint for Science produced in the early 1970s. Apollo 12 was the second manned lunar landing, touching down at "Ocean of Storms" on November 19, 1969. Astronauts on this mission: Charles 'Pete' Conrad, Jr., Richard F. Gordon, Alan F. Bean Mission Duration: 244hrs 36min 24sec Credit: NASA Langley Research Center (NASA-LaRC) Narrator: Burgess Meredith

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

STS-4 launch & landing (6-27-82)

STS-4, the final space shuttle test flight, June 2, 1982. Landing video includes Reagan's speech and Challenger's departure to KSC aboard the 747 SCA.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Orbiter Simulator - Space Shuttle Mission

Orbiter space flight simulator Space Shuttle Atlantis process in the VAB, RSS Retraction and launch from pad 39A in Kennedy space center. Earth images inside orbiter Atlantis and the cargo bay. Then and finally the landing in KSC runway 33 ADDONS *Shuttlefleet V.4.0 *Exp. Pack Shuttle Fleet V.4.0 *KSC High Res texture *Earth level 10 *Spacelab Update *Orbiter Sound V.3.5 *Shuttle Crawler for rollout *KSC Environment (Inside VAB)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shuttle STS132 - .m4v

Steve and Terrie heading home after 3 weeks at KSCenter. Shuttle launch to Shuttle Landing and then a Night Delta 5 GPS launch. ALL AWSOME -- Uncle Steve is very happy.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cessna 172K N84544 flight

Flying around Vandenburg/Tampa Executive Airport doing touch and go's, landings, and seeing the space shuttle launch! Good luck to Chris on his Private Pilot Checkride.

Friday, October 15, 2010

1982: STS-4 Columbia (NASA)

STS-4 was a space shuttle mission by NASA using the Space Shuttle Columbia, launched 27 June 1982. This was the fourth space shuttle mission, and was also the fourth mission for the Space Shuttle Columbia. This mission marked the first time the Space Shuttle was launched precisely at its scheduled launch time. It also was the last research and development flight in the programme. The mission had Thomas K. Mattingly as commander, and Henry W. Hartsfield as pilot. Its cargo consisted of the first Getaway Special payloads which included nine scientific experiments provided by students from Utah State University, and a classified Air Force payload. STS-4 was a planned 7-day mission and landing occurred on 4 July 1982 at Edwards AFB. The crew was met by President Ronald Reagan and the first lady.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

An Orbiter film ISS resupply part 2

My 2nd orbiter movie. Its part two because whole video was too long. In this part im docking iss, undocking, deoribiting and landing. Used orbiter flight simulator 060929. Its the best space flight simulator TRY IT!!! Please view, comment, subcripe, rate and send to another person

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

sts-43 Launch, Atlantis (Aug. 2, 1991)

sts 43 Mission: TDRS-E; SSBUV-03; SHARE-II Space Shuttle: Atlantis Launch Pad: 39A Launch Weight: 259374 pounds Launched: August 2, 1991, 11:01:59 am EDT Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center, Florida Landing: August 11, 1991, 8:23:25 am EDT Landing Weight: 196088 pounds Runway: 15 Rollout Distance: 9890 feet Rollout Time: 60 seconds Revolution: 142 Mission Duration: 8 days, 21 hours, 21 minutes, 25 seconds Orbit Altitude: 174 nautical miles Orbit Inclination: 28.45 degrees Miles Traveled: 3.7 million The launch was originally set for July 23, but was moved to July 24 to allow time to replace a faulty integrated electronics assembly that controls orbiter/external tank separation. The mission was postponed again about five hours before liftoff on July 24 due to a faulty main engine controller on the number three main engine. The controller was replaced and retested; launch was reset for August 1. Liftoff set for 11:01 am delayed due to cabin pressure vent valve reading and postponed at 12:28 pm due to unacceptable return-to-launch site weather conditions. Launch reset for August 2. The primary payload, Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-5 (TDRS-5) was attached to an inertial Upper Stage (IUS), and deployed about six hours into flight, the IUS propelled the satellite into geosynchronous orbit; TDRS-5 becomes the fourth member of the orbiting TDRS cluster. Secondary payloads were Space Station Heat Pipe Advanced Radiator Element II (SHARE II); Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultra ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tour of The NASA Kennedy Space Center, Orlando, Florida, USA

To take a rest from Orlando's theme parks, head 70 miles east and you come to NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Allow a near enough a full day to explore this massive sight which is the launch headquarters for the Shuttle Missions. Located on a wildlife refuge eight times the size of Manhattan, you will see the most incredible wildlife, such as Vulcans, Eagles and Crocodiles. "Millions of visitors from all over the world visit the Kennedy Space Center, which is the hub of technology and discovery and where many of mankinds greatest accomplishments take place."* "At Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, you get the unique chance to tour up close NASAs launch and landing facilities, experience interactive simulators, enjoy live shows and have jaw-dropping encounters with massive rockets. Plus, you can even meet a veteran NASA astronaut. Its all what you can expect from an inspiring day at Kennedy Space Center in Florida."** "Included with admission, this unique tour takes you to the International Space Station Center, LC 39 Observation Gantry, and the Apollo/Saturn V Center. The tour bus departs every 15 minutes from the Visitor Complex. Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral are working space launch facilities. Tours may be altered or closed due to operational requirements. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Prices subject to change and do not include tax."*** * - ** - *** - This ...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lec 7 | MIT 16.885J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005

Aerodynamics - (From Sub - to Hypersonic and Back) View the complete course: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Obama's Plan for NASA; Constellation Cut; Budget Increase

With the release of NASA 2011 budget and within it the plans to cancel Constellation, Barack Obama made some decisions to make NASA operate differently. The new plan will allow NASA to focus on space exploration while encouraging the commercialization of space. Check out this interview of Phil Plait discussing NASA's new budget and why it needs to be pushed through Congress:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

1983: STS-8 Challenger (NASA)

STS-8 was the third flight of the Space Shuttle Challenger, and the eighth shuttle flight. It conducted the first night launch and night landing. It was launched on 30 August 1983 and landed on 5 September 1983.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lec 11 | MIT 16.885J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005

Use of Subsystems as a Function of Flight Phase View the complete course: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Down the Home Stretch

The seven astronauts aboard space shuttle Discovery work and enjoy their planned last full day of the STS-131 mission. They're scheduled to land at the Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility Monday at 8:53 am EDT.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Endeavour astronauts prepare for liftoff during the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, or TCDT, a full launch dress rehearsal for the upcoming STS-130 mission. If arecognizable person appears in this video, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this video is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Alien Life MOON Secrets

(ENGLISH) Compilation about UFO NASA Sightings on the Moon, Monolith, Tower, Piramyd Spaceship ... (ESPAÑOL) Compilacion de Encuentros OVNI de la NASA en la LUna, Piramides, Monolitos, Torres, Naves Espaciales ...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Killzone 2 Flip Book Retrospective

Here's my Dragonfly Flipz Book Killzone 2 Game Flipz book Retrospective. (All unreleased and Concept Demos, not for sale) Really, it's just a chance to make HD version for better viewing.) I shoot this as a way to give a better sense of how you would read a Dragonfly Flipz book. I kept the repeating soundtrack, which is from a later Killzone 2 trailer, simple for that reason. I think of my Dragonfly Flipz Mini-Books as a new graphic novel, comic book, and story book format. I plan to develop them for movie tie-in books (like for Transformer, Batman, etc), and education title (like a Space Shuttle launch, or Mars Landing). My thanks to all the people who have watched my video. Enjoy.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

X-23B Nasa Experimental Craft

A fleet of lifting bodies flown at the NASA Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, from 1963 to 1975 demonstrated the ability of pilots to maneuver (in the atmosphere) and safely land a wingless vehicle. These lifting bodies were basically designed so they could fly back to Earth from space and be landed like an aircraft at a pre-determined site. (In 1976 NASA renamed the FRC as the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center in honor of Hugh L. Dryden.) In 1962, FRC Director Paul Bikle approved a program to build a lightweight, unpowered lifting body as a prototype to flight test the wingless concept. It would look like a "flying bathtub," and was designated the M2-F1. It featured a plywood shell, built by Gus Briegleb (a sailplane builder from El Mirage, California) placed over a tubular steel frame crafted at the FRC. Construction was completed in 1963. The success of the Flight Research Center M2-F1 program led to NASA development and construction of two heavyweight lifting bodies based on studies at the NASA Ames and Langley research centers--the M2-F2 and the HL-10, both built by the Northrop Corporation, Hawthorne, California. The Air Force also became interested in lifting body research and had a third design concept built, the X-24A, built by the Martin Company, Denver, Colorado. It was later modified into the X-24B and both configurations were flown in the joint NASA-Air Force lifting body program located at Dryden. The X-24B design evolved from a family of ...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Launch Replays STS-132 Atlantis 1080P (PART 2 of 2)

Experience the best views of a historic launch as seen from South Beach Tracker (TV-4A), UCS-15 (TV-21A) and KSC DOAMS (TV-16) Mission STS-132 is officially under way as the shuttle and its all-veteran crew of astronauts rise up and away from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida following an on-time launch at 2:20 pm EDT. In approximately two minutes, Atlantis' twin white solid rocket boosters will burn out and separate, eventually falling back to the Atlantic Ocean. The shuttle's trio of main engines will propel the vehicle on the rest of its eight-and-a-half-minute climb to orbit, assisted by the two orbital maneuvering system engines. STS-132 (132nd space shuttle flight) Launch Window: 10 minutes Launch Pad: 39A Mission Duration: 12 days Landing Site: KSC Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles Primary Payload: 34th station flight (ULF4), Integrated Cargo Carrier (ICC), Mini Research Module (MRM1) ( Yan and Justin )

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shuttle Processing

This is a video covering shuttle processing set to music, from landing through launch.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2018: Return To The Moon - Orbiter Space Flight Simulator

The Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) was NASA's planned manned spacecraft intended to carry human crews from Earth into space and back again from 2012 on. The CEV would be launched into earth orbit by the Crew Launch Vehicle, a shuttle-derived two-stage rocket consisting of a single Shuttle RSRM solid booster as the first stage and a new second stage, 5.5 m in diameter, using Lox/LH2 propellants and powered by a single SSME. Lunar Mission involved the placing in an earth parking orbit by a shuttle-derived heavy-lift Cargo Launch Vehicle of a trans-lunar injection (TLI) stage and an unmanned Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM). Within 30 days, a Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV) would launch the CEV into orbit. The CEV would rendezvous and dock with the LSAM and TLI stage. The combined spacecraft would be put on a trans-lunar trajectory by the TLI stage, which would then be jettisoned. The LSAM would brake the combined CEV and LSAM spacecraft into lunar orbit. The four-man crew would transfer to the LSAM and descend to the surface (Here, Tycho crater), leaving the CEV in quiescent mode in lunar orbit for up to six months. When the crew was ready to leave the moon, they would fire the LSAM ascent stage, and then rendezvous and dock with the unmanned CEV. The LSAM would be cast away, and the CEV would perform the trans-earth injection maneuver, its only major engine burn. On approach to earth, the CM would separate from the SM after being set up for the precise angle and position ...

Monday, September 27, 2010


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

STS 119 Touchdown Entry Flight Control Team - Houston Landing

STS 119 Space Shuttle Discovery Touchdown Entry Flight Control Team [MCC]- Houston Landing

Thursday, September 23, 2010

STS-119 Cliffs of Dover [HD]

Highlights of Discovery's STS-119 Mission to the ISS, set to "Cliffs Of Dover" by Eric Johnson. A high-res MP4 is downloadable at !

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

NASA 747 landing with Space Shuttle on its back at KSC

Well since I kind of like space and space stuff I guess I made this when I saw the real 747 landing with a Space Shuttle on its back so I would make one. I went to and found a 747-100 with Discovery on its back so i decided I would make the video. Enjoy and Comment, Rate, and Subscribe!